Thursday, July 9, 2015

Dollar Tree Steak Night, It's a Thing

About a week ago, Fred and I stopped off at the Dollar Tree for some assorted goodies that you can only buy at the Dollar Tree-- candy for a Sunday School class and poppers for Angela.

We were walking into the store and Fred caught sight of this sign that said Ribeye Steaks, $1.  I can't even tell you how much this tickled my funny bone.  I texted Angela and let her know that we would bring the poppers and some steak.  

We laughed and laughed over this $1 steak.  While we were at Dave and Angela's, we talked about it some more.  Fred, who knows a lot about these things, mentioned that we should look at the portion size.  Sure enough, we zoomed into my picture of the signage and found that the pre-cooked, frozen weight of each steak is 3.5 ounces.  One of the guys started laughing and said, "That's an ice cube!"  That started us laughing all over again.

Well, now, Fred sees these frozen 3.5 oz ribeye steaks as a challenge.  It's like he's Gordon Ramsey and he has to buy these steaks just to show what he can create with them.  He keeps mentioning that he wants to pick up some steaks from the Dollar Tree.  Please help me, because I see Dollar Tree steak night in my future.  Come on over, if you want to join me.

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