Tuesday, July 29, 2014

20 Years!

20 Years ago on this day, Fred and I married.  I remember being scared to death to leave my family.  I took the first job offer I received after college, so that Fred and I could get married quickly.  I didn't have a good feeling about that job, but I took I leap of faith.  Turns out that Fred was the perfect choice, but I was right not to have a good feeling about that job.  

I was 22 years old and had just graduated from UNT.  We had the worst paying jobs ever and lived in the worst apartment ever.  My boss yelled at me everyday for things that weren't even my fault.  He just liked to yell.  However, those days were so much fun!  We were young and always had something fun planned for the weekend.

Over the years, life served up varying degrees of fun and hard times.  Life gave us trials that I would have never imagined we would have been given.  Trials that I would have never imagined we could have survived or would have imagined I could later find the blessings in them.

I am so blessed to have a kind and giving husband that genuinely loves everyone.  He is always willing to jump in and help anyone at a moments notice. I always say that Fred will give you the shirt right off his back.  Oftentimes, I can't find something at our house and it is because Fred gave it away!  He is so sweet like that. 

Just a random thought about Fred... one of my favorite things about Fred is his laugh.  He has the best laugh. I wish that I could download it on my iTunes and listen to it during the day if I am down or sad.  There is nothing that will put me in a good mood like listening to Fred's belly laugh.  

Happy Anniversary, Fred!  It has been a great 20 years!  I can't wait to see what the next 20 years bring.

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