Thursday, February 20, 2014

Thankful Thursday

Things to be thankful for:

Jessie and I were out and about on Sunday dropping off goodies to sweet friends.  I wasn’t paying attention to my speed and was clearly speeding.  I was pulled over and knew I deserved speeding ticket, but was sent on my way with a warning. 

I ordered some items for Young Women’s from Deseret Books.  I ordered a CD-Rom to help with Personal Progress and they accidentally sent me a book to help with Nursery kids.  I called to see how I should return the Nursery book and get the item I actually ordered.  They told me to keep the nursery book and they would reship my item.  Now, I have a book to pass along those wonderful leaders in Nursery. 

We had the missionaries over for dinner.  They shared a fun object lesson.  Fred had already seen the object lesson, so he sat and watched us struggle.  I’m thankful for a super smart son that figured it out pretty quickly, because I was clueless.  I loved that one of the missionaries was a great eater.  He went back for seconds on everything and he shared all of his mom’s recipes with us.

 I have several things that need my attention on Thursday.  Thankfully, everything is coming together and allowing me to get everything done and be everywhere that I need to be.  Now, that is something to be thankful for!

I am so grateful for a wild and crazy dog that needs way too much attention.  She makes us laugh and gives us so much love.  She drives me insane and needs to be bathed and groomed much more than any other Shihtzu, but we love her!

I love thin mints way too much.  I am thankful for thin mints!  Oh so thankful for thin mints.  I am thankful for the friend who asked my daughter what I liked and I’m thankful for the daughter who told my secret.

I am thankful for my busy schedule.  It keeps me hopping, but means that I am needed.  Sometimes, it means that I have to ask my mom to help me out.  Tomorrow, she is chauffeuring my daughter around so I can get my hair done.  I told her that I needed help really bad.  I have roots down to my ears and it is going to be March before I can find another day to schedule an appointment!

I am grateful for a husband and sweet children that love me!  Life wouldn’t be the same without them.

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