Monday, February 24, 2014


One of our girls from church is working on a project for Personal Progress.  She is compiling "testimonies" and asked the leaders and youth to send her our testimonies.  I wasn't sure if I was going to post mine, but since this is my online journal, here it is:

I am thankful for my Savior, Jesus Christ and for His Atoning sacrifice.  I am so thankful that he atoned for my sins. He took upon himself the pains and sicknesses of His people.  Every pain and sadness that I have felt, He felt it before me.  That brings such comfort to me.

I know that I am a daughter of God and that He placed me with a loving family.  And, the sweet children that I have are sons and daughters of God.  They have been entrusted to my husband and me for a short time.  They are His children that we have stewardship over to love, teach, lead and raise in the gospel.

I have a testimony of the Holy Ghost.  He leads me and guides me and brings peace to my life.  I know that if I listen to that still small voice it will bring me comfort.

I believe that we are given trials to test us and strengthen us so that we can progress through this life.  I am so thankful for the trials that I have been given.  They have made me a stronger and better person.  They have increased my faith and taught me that prayer works.  They’ve taught me that my Heavenly Father loves me and listens to me.  He answers my prayers – not necessarily in the way that I expect or when I want Him to.

I believe that faith can move mountains.  Just a couple of years ago, having faith brought my husband back to church.  Now, he holds Melchizedek Priesthood and we have been sealed in the temple.  I know that families can be together forever.  It is my hope that my entire family can be together forever.  I have such a testimony of the temple and the sacred ordinances that take place there.  It is a beautiful and sacred place where the spirit may be felt.

I have testimony of the Book of Mormon.  I know that it is another witness of Jesus Christ.  It is the keystone of our religion and the most correct book on earth.  I am thankful for the lessons contained in The Book of Mormon.

I am thankful for the missionaries.  Without the missionaries, I wouldn’t have been baptized.  They leave their homes at such a tender young age and they spread the gospel.  How blessed we are that they make this righteous choice.  I am thankful for the missionaries that serve in our ward and for the missionaries from our ward that are out in the field serving.

I am thankful for the Young Women’s program and for the callings that I have had in Young Women’s.  It is truly an inspired program.  The Youth in our church are wonderful examples to those around them and it is because of what they have been taught at home and in the Young Men’s and Young Women’s programs.  I have a testimony that Scouting and Personal Progress programs teach them and strengthen them and help them to become exemplary Young Men and Young Women.

I am thankful for my sweet family.  They strengthen me and teach me so much about love.  They make me want to be a better person, so that I can make sure that I spend eternity with them.  I am thankful for righteous friends that are a good example to me.

I am thankful to be a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints!

-Donna Fortenberry, 2/24/14 

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