Monday, February 10, 2014

Campfire Fun

We had a great time this weekend hanging around the campfire with great friends. First of all, I have to say it is a very small world.  Gracie introduced me to Alisara who is a very sweet lady.  She started coming to our girls' dinners.  After talking with her one night, we realized that she was in Fred's Boy Scout training  group called Wood Badge.  She was nice enough to invite us all to her farm in Van Alstyne on Saturday night.  

The kids had a blast playing in the wide open spaces in the dark.  Somehow they played hide-and-go-seek and managed to utilize their phones in the game.  Kids today!!!  (I sound like an old person.)  The adults just sat around the campfire laughing and talking until way too late.

By the way, you would think I was from the city!  I wore suede boots and my good coat!  Both smell like a campfire now.  Lesson learned, when someone invites you to their farm, don't wear your good clothes!

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