Sunday, December 22, 2013

Merry Christmas

The Fortenberry's were slow to get ready for Christmas this year.  It seems we get slower and slower every year.  I should be getting more on the ball now that my kids are older, right?  It seems like there is more to do now that they are older.  More activities and more places to be.  I am feeling more settled now that all the presents are wrapped - except for the kids' presents.  I always wrap those at the last minute.  I like to spread them out and make sure they are even.  We number the presents.  The kids draw numbers.  So if we draw #3.  Then they have to dig through and open present #3.  It makes Christmas last just a little longer.  Especially now that they don't have as many presents.  We also hide their Santa present and make them look for it.  I'll do all that Monday or Tuesday night.  At least the other stuff is wrapped, so that I can relax and enjoy time with my family.

We will celebrate Christmas with my family on Christmas Eve.  That is so much fun now that we have a 3-year old in the mix.  There is nothing better than a 3-year old.  They are sweet, sassy and crazy all at the same time.  What better time to spend with a little one than at Christmas.  And, of course, we love to spend time with my parents, brother and sister-in-law, too!

Christmas Day will bring our little family celebration and then we will go to my parents' home to celebrate with my mom's side of the family.  With Christmas falling in the middle of the week, I think we might only have my Auntie Jan, Uncle Joe and Grandma.  But, we will make the best of it and have a blast.  We always have a great time playing games.  We were told to bring a $20 white elephant gift and something that we already had that we want to 'regift.'

We had the opportunity to have Fred's parents spend Thanksgiving week with us, so we won't get to see them.  And, we hope to see Fred's sister some time over the holidays.  They have four kids, so they are always running.

In between the family celebrations, we are getting together with friends.  We are truly blessed!  

In just a little while I am going to teach the sweet young women that I work with at church.  Our lesson is called 'How can I prepare to establish a Christ-centered home.'  Such an appropriate lesson on the Sunday before Christmas.

We wish all of our friends and family a very happy, safe and blessed Christmas!

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