Tuesday, December 24, 2013


I love this time of year!  I really do, even if I let the hustle and bustle stress me out a little.  It is a great time to reflect on the birth and life of our Savior.  It is also a great time to think about our many blessings.  Although, we can and should do those things all year long.

Two of my greatest blessings are Jessica Taylor and Jonathan Andrew!  They bring us such joy.  I love them to pieces.

Jessica is a senior at The Saint Anthony School in Carrollton (a therapeutic private school).  She loves working with special needs kids. She is given the opportunity to work with kids in the lower school most days and those kids adore her.  She also loves serving in any capacity.  The seniors recently went to the Salvation Army and helped them get the packages ready for Christmas and she was extremely touched by her experience there.   And, let's not forget that she loves all things Doctor Who!

Jonathan is in 8th grade at Wester Middle School.  He plays the  tuba and is excited to play a song for us on Christmas morning.  It is a compilation of Christmas hymns; he has been talking about it for weeks.   Jonathan has been working very hard in Scouts and is a project and a few partial merit badges away from being an Eagle Scout.  He will finish all of those partials except for one before Christmas break is over (do you feel Mom cracking the whip)!  Jonathan loves video games and could play them for hours.  We are working on helping him to develop a few more interests!

If you are reading this, then we count you as one of our many blessings, too!

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