Sunday, March 31, 2013

The First Easter Morning

Of all the victories in human history, none is so great, none so universal in its effect, none so everlasting in its consequences as the victory of the crucified Lord who came forth in the Resurrection that first Easter morning.

- Gordon B. Hinckley

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

River Rats

On Saturday, we drove to San Marcos for a 5 mile kayaking trip.  This was our third time to kayak the San Marcos River.  However, it was Jonathan's first time to go down solo.

Jonathan did a great job on his own.  He was slow and steady.  We often had to slow down and let him catch  up.  He got himself in a couple of sticky situations, but never got himself in to too much trouble.  He was awesome!

Fred is the best at helping when you are in a jam.  He helped Jonathan out of a couple of jams and I think he yelled out a few instructions to me.  And, then there was the time that he told me that I wanted to make a hard right when I got under the bridge.  I did so and I started twirling.  I dug my paddle in, which caused me to over correct the situation.  All the while the current is swirling me in circles like a toilet bowl.  The next thing I knew, my kayak was upside down.  Thankfully, the only thing I lost was my shirt that I had taken off a few minutes earlier.  I am sorry San Marcos!  I accidentally littered your river with a purple shirt.

I took a million pictures of turtles, because they were everywhere.  And, yes, a million is an exaggeration.  I took about 4 pictures of turtles, but I could of taken more.  They were so cool.  They just sat on logs and rocks sunning themselves.  The life of a turtle must be great.  You just sit on a log catching some sun and when someone approaches that you don't like, you stick your head in your shell and jump in the water.

The weather was absolutely beautiful.  The sun was so nice and sunny and perfect.  The water wasn't too bad.  I wouldn't want to swim in it - my son was really itching to swim.  It was certainly cold, but I didn't think I was going to die every time we had to get wet.  We couldn't ask for better kayaking weather.  This was so much better than kayaking in the dead of summer.  We did end up with sunburns, though.  We need to be more diligent with the sunscreen.  (By more diligent, I mean apply at least one coat - we didn't apply any!)

We had so much fun.  I thought Fred was crazy for suggesting kayaking down the river.  I really thought we were going to die from the cold water.  It turned out to be a great idea.  There weren't too many people on the water.  There were a few tubers and I really do hate that part of the river, but it wasn't so hard since not many people were crazy enough to tube in March!

Great times were had by all despite the missing purple shirt, the sunburns and the blisters!

Tuesday, March 19, 2013


Jonathan and Fred learned about geocaching in Scouts.  Jonathan actually earned a geocaching merit badge. I didn't really understand what all the hoopla was about.
While we were hiking at McKinney Falls State Park in Austin, the Fred and Jonathan had the opportunity to do some geocaching.  To me, they were just walking around looking for hidden boxes.  Seemed kind of useless to me.  They liked it, so that it is what counts.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Hiking Fools

The Fortenberry's (minus Jessie) decided to be nature lovers for the weekend.  We arrived in Austin Friday afternoon around 2:00 or so.  Our GPS thought it would be hysterically funny to have us exit the freeway and run the service road in downtown Austin during a music festival!  We lost a few minutes, but jumped back on the freeway and landed at our destination in no time at all.  We hiked McKinney Falls State Park.  A beautiful state park that is right, smack in the middle of Austin.

You'll notice that Jonathan's sunglasses were off kilter in every picture.  I think his cap was pushing them up. That would have driven me crazy!  I didn't notice it until we were pretty far into our little adventure.

I strapped on all kinds of gear around my waist.  It made me look like I had a big belly roll.  I think this is a big fashion-don't!  Next time, maybe I will try a drawstring backpack.  

It was a beautiful day for hiking.  The sun was up and perfect.  The temp was in the high 70's - just right - not too hot and not too cool.

Jonathan loved sitting in front of the cactus (or is the correct word cacti) and acting like he was in immense pain.

There were some sections of the park that were prettier than others.  I think the not-so-pretty sections will be nicer once Spring sets in.  At the last minute, we decided to hike another little section.  It was only about a mile long.  It was completely worth it, because it was beautiful.

We discovered that Fred has long legs which make for a super-fast hiker.  Jonathan is a slow-poke hiker and I think I am a medium hiker.  I don't really know, because I tried to stay behind Jonathan most of the time.  

We had lots of fun!  I'm ready to go back.  I'm not sure if the boys are so ready, but I am!

Thursday, March 14, 2013


I've been missing in action.
But, I'll be back... soon.
Life has been too crazy for words!  When I get home and sit down - all I want to do is sleep.  I think I have the Epstein Bar disease.  Except that I've never had Epstein Bar, so it must be exhaustion instead.

So, for now we are taking a break from life and heading to Austin.  Fred, Jonathan and I are going to commune with nature.  Reconnect and hopefully not kill each other.

Jess is staying with MaMaw and Grady. They are going to knit and loom and do those things that aren't in my genes to do.

When we arrive back on Galley Street, all four of us should be in the greatest of great moods.

I can't wait!

Saturday, March 9, 2013


Last Saturday, Jess and I went to get our nails done before the quinceanera.  While we were there, we chatted with the sweetest lady and her husband.  The lady was Jamaican (not central to the story - Jess and I just like to listen to her talk) and really seemed to take an interest in Jess.  Her sister is an occupational therapist and she told Jess all about it and thought it would be a good career fit for her.  They must have had quite the conversation while I was in getting my eyebrows waxed.  Anyway, Jess and I talked back and forth.  They type of talk that mothers and daughters talk about.  I gave Jess some trivial advice on not getting her upper lip done an hour before a big event.  I told her about a girl I new that did that and her lip was red.  We talked about Jess' dress and how well her green nails were going to look with her dress.  Jess asked me something and I answered back with what I'm pretty sure was motherly advice.  When it was Jess' turn to get her eyebrows waxed, she looked at me and asked if Jess was my sister.  I laughed and thanked her for the compliment.  She said, "No, you both seem so close."

Now, that was the biggest compliment ever!

I explained that it had been a long road, but we are very close now.  I chalk it up to the hours we spend in the car together commuting to and from school/work.  It also has to do with the trials that we've faced.  Now, that's not to say that when she is super-stressed that she doesn't fling all that stress my way.  For the most part, we've come through it.  It takes a pretty big anxiety attack to send her snapping at me.

I can't believe how far we've come in a year!

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Partying With My Girl

Last Saturday, Jess and I had the opportunity to attend a quinceanera for one of the sweet girls from our church.  We have been so busy that we only had a week to figure out our dresses. I was running around like a crazy woman returning Jessica's dress Saturday morning and buying her a new one.  I had already bought my dress, but decided I didn't like it.  So, I was trying to find a new dress for me, too.  All, just hours before the big event.  I finally got home about lunch time and then we went running out to get our nails done.  We got home in barely enough time to finish getting ready for the event.

Jess danced a few dances, but wasn't out on the dance floor very much.  She enjoyed hanging out with her good friend, Nicole.  The party was beautiful and we had a great time visiting with our friends.  It was stressful trying to get ready and I felt overextended.  I almost wished that I hadn't RSVP'd.  I felt like we had too many irons in the fire right now and we didn't have the time it took to shop, get ready and then attend this event.  In the end, I was so glad that we went.  We enjoyed seeing all the youth dressed up and visiting with some really great people.  I don't know why I always get worked up like this!  I need to learn to relax and enjoy whatever it is that I sign us up for!

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Lookin' Handsome

Jonathan had a UIL contest today for Band, so he had to be dropped off this morning in his uniform.  He was looking pretty handsome!

(Side note:  They went to Fuddruckers for lunch.  We were told that $15-$20 "should do it."  Who spends that much on lunch?!?)

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Gifted, Lazy or Both?

I met with this crazy boy's teachers today.  They were all very complimentary.  As a mom, it is always nice to hear other adults say nice things about your precious offspring.

I wasn't quite sure what to expect from his math teacher.  I knew we were dealing with things like not working up to his potential and not consistently getting homework turned in.  The teacher popped over and shook my hand.  He looked deep in my eyes so that I would clearly understand his words and said, "your son is gifted in math."  He told me that by the time he figured out what was going on it was too late to have him moved up to the higher level class.  I shook my head and explained that he had been in Pre-A/P Math last year.  I explained that we were all shocked to see his grades drop when we went down to the regular Math class.  He asked why we switched classes and I told him that it was Jonathan's choice.

He was very nice and very kind, but firm.  I felt like a super-bad mom.  You know, when you let your kid quit something too soon.  He informed me that if Jonathan were his kid he would not be in regular math.  Gee, thanks!  I'm the loser for letting Jonathan talk me into switching classes.  The reason for the lower grades?  He believes Jonathan has figured out that he can manage without doing all of his homework.  He is doing just enough to get by.  When he was in Pre-A/P Math, he actually had to work.  Fred, Jonathan and I talked about it and Jonathan pretty much confirmed this was the case.  While we were having the discussion, Fred popped off with "I did that, but I was actually able to do it and keep an A."  Somehow, I don't think Fred bragging about not doing his homework and figuring out how to keep an A was quite what was needed in this situation.  Can I figure out a way to screen his words before he says them?

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Elder Fortenberry

The youth had the opportunity to participate in an wonderful activity on Wednesday. They were missionaries for the evening.  Jonathan was called to the South Korea mission.  They learned how to approach people and teach the gospel.  They learned how to have people slam doors in their faces or be crazy rude to them.  They learned how to share their testimonies.  It was all in good fun and hopefully in a non-threatening atmosphere.  When the Bishop asked the youth what they learned, hands shot up.  Jonathan answered with the very factual, "Not everyone wants to hear what you have to say."  That is very true.

The parents were asked to send care packages to our missionaries. I sent cookies for him to share with his companion, and a new tie for his mission.  Most of this kids received candy.  I guess their parents thought they would be missing Whoppers.  One mom sent her girls a box of toiletries and odd little items like goldfish.  That made me smile.  All these kids are chomping down on their big box of candy and these girls pull out their Lady Speed Stick.  Thank goodness they have a sense of humor!

What a great activity!

Friday, March 1, 2013

Flashback Friday: Jon The Builder

September 2007

Who knows what he was building!  He was probably just practicing his hammering skills.