Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Excuses, Excuses

I'm sure you are wondering where I've been.  Okay, maybe I'm not sure.  I hope you've been wondering where I've been.  I'm not giving up blogging, I promise.  It is very important for me to capture the day-to-day life of my family.  I want my children and grandchildren to have a record of our comings and goings.  I want my kids to know that I'm proud of them. 

Around Easter, I found myself behind on my blogging. Like my kids, I tend to throw my hands up in the air when I get behind.  I think that I've been a little overwhelmed with life.  Not unhappy, and not frustrated or depressed.  Just a little overwhelmed.  Not sure how to accomplish all that needs to get accomplished at the end of the day.  So, enough of the whiny excuses.  The main reason that I'm behind on my blogging is that I've been working out at least 5 nights a week for the last month.  The time that I used to spend blogging is now spent jumping around like an idiot (Fred and the kids can confirm this).

Sadly, I've only lost five pounds.  Five measly little pounds.  I love this family picture, but I hate myself in it.  I really look like a fatty in it.  I think I'm looking better than I did in when I took this picture in October.  However, that might be wishful thinking.

For some reason, the weight just isn't coming off.  I'm eating better, and I'm working out like crazy. So, I've decided to use Shakeology to supplement my efforts.  I started a three day cleanse today, and then I just substitute one meal a day with a shake.  I'm going to try it for a month to see if it can give my 38 year old metabolism a jump start.  Jonathan took my "before" pictures today.  I sure hope I get to take some "after" pictures.  I haven't had a chance to look at the pictures yet.  I'm not sure if I will share them.  We'll see...

That is the long and pitiful reason for my absence.  I am going to commit myself to find time to exercise and blog!  I think it will get easier once school is out.

1 comment:

Debi said...

You do NOT look like a 'fatty' in this pic! In fact, when I read you are 38...I'm like, WHAT!? I have to think back. I guess you may be, BUT you don't look like it. You actually still look like you're in your mid to late 20s! : )