Monday, November 30, 2009

Old Dogs

If you were in the theater last Wednesday with our family, I apologize from the bottom of my heart. We went to see Old Dogs with Robin Williams and John Travolta. Thank goodness Jess wasn’t with us. She would have been mortified. Jonathan’s laugh is loud, but Fred’s laugh is a deep belly laugh. Those two laughed so hard that I’m sure we annoyed every movie-goer in the theater.

At one point, Jonathan was laughing really loud and Fred couldn’t be heard at all. There was a scene where Robin Williams is having trouble with his depth perception. He is trying to hit a golf ball and keeps hitting it into the crotches of his teammates. This is classic boy humor! I later found out why I couldn’t hear Fred laughing during this scene. He had started laughing so hard that he couldn’t breathe.

Gee, that would have been embarrassing if we had to perform CPR during the movie!

Again, I apologize to anyone who couldn’t hear the movie over Fred and Jonathan’s laughter! It’s funny that Old Dogs wasn’t our first choice. We had planned on seeing Planet 51 or New Moon, but the timing didn’t work for us. I guess I should plan on purchasing this movie for those two when it comes out on DVD.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Where is the Ark?

If Jonathan lived back in biblical times with Noah's family, he would totally be ready for the flood!  Clearly, I need to take advantage of the Christmas sales and get this boy some new pajamas.

Saturday, November 28, 2009


I found Jonathan sitting like a frog playing the Wii.  Could this really be comfortable?

Friday, November 27, 2009

Making Lemonade for Thanksgiving

When life gives you lemons... make lemonade.  That is exactly what our family did this Thanksgiving. 

My Grandma is in the hospital right now, so we all met at the hospital yesterday.  With Grandma's situation, we weren't able to have a home cooked Thanksgiving meal.  Cracker Barrel did our cooking for us this year.  It was delicious, inexpensive and convenient.  Exactly what we all needed this year. 

After lunch, we went back to the hospital where the guys enjoyed the Cowboys game from the waiting room. 

We enjoyed our time with Grandma, Mom, Dad, Auntie Jan, Uncle Joe, Aunt Judy, Randy, Tammy and Cheyanne!  I think there was some concern about what Thanksgiving would be like this year.  Everyone pulled together to make it a wonderful day.  The emphasis was taken off the food and put where it belongs - being thankful for all of our many blessings.

Uncle Joe, Auntie Jan and Jonathan

Auntie Jan and Jonathan playing checkers at Cracker Barrel.  I think the rules are being discussed here.


The Fam

MaMaw and Jonathan

Dad and I

This picture will be around for a long, long time!

Watching football at the hospital... he was totally posing.  He really didn't scream and yell in the waiting room.

Jonathan and Grady hanging out in the hospital waiting room.


Aunt Judy

We hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving.  There were many family members that we didn't get to see this year.  We missed you!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Give Thanks

Live in thanksgiving daily, for the many mercies and blessings which he doth bestow upon you.
- Alma 34:38

November 22, 2008
Celebrating an early Thanksgiving with my parents.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Countdown to Thanksgiving: My Girls

These girls are definitely a blessing in our family's life.  I don't know what we would do without them!

Mollie and Gracie

(Don't tell Jonathan, but I think that might be his underwear that she is laying on.)

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Countdown to Thanksgiving: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

I am thankful for my membership in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  I am thankful for the atonement of Jesus Christ.  I am also thankful that I am a daughter of God and for the gospel that I have the opportunity to study and be blessed by.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Countdown to Thanksgiving: Mi Familia

Today (and everyday), I am thankful for Fred, Jessie and Jonathan.  I don't have words to describe how grateful I am.  I love all three of you very much!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Countdown to Thanksgiving: The Bond's

I am thankful that my Mom's family is close.  It is nice that my kids know their Great Grandmother, Great Aunts and Great Uncles as well as they know the rest of their family.  We always have loads of fun when we get together. 

Grandma, Aunt Judy, Elvis, Mom and Auntie Jan

Grandma and Jessie

Jonathan, Chris (my cousin's son), Jonathan, Clayce, Jess, Cheyanne (my cousin's daughter)

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Countdown to Thanksgiving: The Forthman's

I love these people. They are wonderful to me… even when I don’t deserve it.  Mom, Dad, Jeff & Emma - thanks for putting up with me.

Dad, Mom & Jess

Emma and Jeff

Friday, November 20, 2009

Countdown to Thanksgiving: Fred's Family

I am so thankful for Fred’s family. They have been very sweet to me and I’m grateful that they are in our lives. My kids love their Grandma, PawPaw Larry and Great Grandpa Goyer. They also love their Aunt KiKi, Uncle Glen and wonderful cousins. For those family members that we don’t get to see often, the kids get to hear stories and see pictures.

Fred’s mom and sister even introduced me to the Mormon faith without even realizing. I watched their countenance and viewed the things that they brought in to their homes. I attended church socials and a few meetings with them. Because of their choices, I took the first steps toward investigating and learning about The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. It changed the my life and my family’s life.

We love you!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Countdown to Thanksgiving: Good Friends

As Thanksgiving approaches, I have been thinking about all of the things that I am thankful for.  I am so grateful for the good friends in our lives.   We have been fortunate to have great friends that we consider to be family.  We love you all and thank you for your friendship!

Fred, John, Dave and Abie

 Stacey and Debi


 Assorted friends and cousins

 The girlies enjoying our trip to Arkansas
Gracie, Donna, Angela, Tanya and Heather

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

My Cool Cat Grandma

Grandma watching the Elvis impersonator that serenaded Judy on her birthday.

I was seriously blessed to have the two best grandmothers, ever! Hands down. No contest.

I loved my Granny (my dad’s mom) more than words can say. I thought she hung the moon. I was safe at her house. Anytime I was scolded by my parents, my dad was scolded by her. She would say something like, “Donald leave her alone.” My Granny had one daughter and two sons. Her daughter was killed in a car accident at the age of twelve. She raised her two boys and then went on to have three grandsons and one granddaughter. Oh, yes. I was one spoiled little girl! My Papa had to put her in a nursing home when I was in the sixth grade. After that, she was very quiet and didn’t say much. I still loved her more than words can say.

When I was growing up, my Grandma (my mom’s mom) was cool and fun. Like my Granny, she was loved beyond belief. She was a great friend to me when I was growing up. She let us do things that my mom wouldn’t have let us do. At first, Grandma would drop us off at the mall. We just had to be outside of JCPenney at the designated time. Later, she let us walk to the mall alone. We loved our independence at her house. She knew that cousin time was important and would often make sure that I had some girl time with my one and only female cousin. When I would spend the Friday nights with her, we would always make sure to watch Dallas and Falcon Crest. After the shows were over, we would analyze the comings and goings of J.R. and Sue Ellen.

Grandma is an avid reader of our little family blog.  Somewhere along the way, I called her my Cool Cat Grandma on one of my posts.  She really liked that reference.  So, forevermore she will be my Cool Cat Grandma.

I am so grateful that my kids have been able to know and love my Cool Cat Grandma. They think she is too funny! I didn’t have the opportunity to know my great grandparents. I never knew what I was missing until I saw my Grandma with her four great grandchildren. A couple of weeks ago, Jonathan and I went to visit her in the hospital. Boy, did he make points with Grandma. He repeatedly offered to go buy her some snacks, and he talked her ear off. Jonathan is shy with his hugs and kisses around most female family members. Upon parting, he gave her some big hugs and kisses. I think that made her day! (Don’t be jealous, Auntie Jan. You might be able to sweet talk a hug and kiss from him.)

Grandma isn’t feeling so well these days. She is in a nursing home trying to get her strength back after a fall that she took in September. We take every opportunity to pray for our Cool Cat Grandma!

Grandma, we love you and we send lots of hugs, kisses and love your way!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Melt My Heart

Sometimes my kids make me want to pull my hair out (as in every last strand).  Mostly, they melt my heart and make me thankful that I have them (and my hair).

Yesterday morning, Jonathan called to me from the living room.  I asked him what he needed and he replied, "I just need to give you a hug and a kiss."  I think that is incredibly sweet coming from a big nine year old.  Later, we were driving in the car and he informed me that I am the best mother ever.  You would think this comment would remind me to make a better effort, right?  Apparently, I'm a slow learner.  We drove up in front of Rick's Kicks.  I groaned and mentioned that it was probably Parent's Day.  Jonathan got excited about the prospect of getting to workout with me.  I told him that I thought his Daddy was better suited for Parent's Day.  He looked up at me and told me that he liked having Parent's Day with me, because it gave us an opportunity to bond.  Seriously, he used the word bond.  Boy, did I feel bad when we learned that Parent's Day is next week.  Needless to say,  I will be going in Fred's place.

Fred is fishing this week and I had signed up to make a craft at our church's Super Saturday.  Jessica watched Jonathan for me, so that I could run out and speed craft before martial arts.  I got my plaque painted and left it there to dry.  After martial arts, Jess watched Jonathan again, so that I could go back and put the letters on my plaque.  Then, I left him once again to make a quick trip to PetSmart and to the mall.  Three times I left Jonathan with Jessica.  I went in Jessie's room to pay for her babysitting services.  She refused payment!  She said that she didn't want any money.  I couldn't have made it through Saturday without her help and she didn't take any compensation!

Days like these are special and help me to forget those days that make me want to pull my hair out!

These two are the best of friends and melt my heart when they're together.  Mollie is napping next to Jonathan - I swear that she gets just as close to him as she possibly can.  By the way, he really does have clothes on.  He has taken to sleeping without a shirt on.  Crazy Boy!

Saturday, November 14, 2009


The family unit is an interesting thing.  When one of your kids struggles-  the entire family struggles.  While we aren't back and running at 100%, I think we've turned a corner.  (I hate to speak too soon.)  Friday brought more happiness and we were each relieved.

How can you not have a happy Friday when:
  • You start the day at 5:30 - walking two precious dogs. (Don't let them know that I referred to them as precious.  They are already too spoiled.)
  • A sweet and dear former co-worker drops by the office after three years.
  • Crazy, zany things happen at work that can only be attributed to Friday the 13th (if I were superstitious).
  • My General Conference DVD arrives in the mail.
  • The birthday presents that I ordered for my mom and mother-in-law arrives (and they are really cute)
  • The bedtime CD (A Child's Prayer - Primary Songs for Bedtime) that I ordered for Jonathan arrives.
  • It was such a good day for mail!
  • It is my Auntie Jan's birthday and she is celebrating in New York!  Happy Birthday, Auntie Jan.
  • I see this sunset on the way home from work.

We hope everyone had a Happy Friday, too!

P.S. The CD that I got Jonathan is great.  However, he says that he doesn't need it.  His sleep problems would be solved if I would just sleep with him.  Yes, he is nine years old.  And, no, I haven't fallen for that line yet.  Although, he tries it every night.  I guess he's just checking to see if I'll ever give in.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Oh, Happy Day

I have had a rough week.  Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday were absolutely horrible.  There were sleepless nights.  Lots of praying and some tears.  Wednesday evening I went to bed with the resolve that Thursday would be better.  To my amazement it has been much better. 

I took the dogs for an early morning walk.  It was just me and my girlies in the cool breezy morning.  It was definitely a refreshing way to start the day.  Family scripture study went better than usual.  Everyone was awake, dressed and not fighting.  That is my idea of success. 

My day continued to improve as I got to work.  I plugged in my ipod and listened to positive and uplifting music.  I decided that a little retail therapy was in order during my lunch hour.  I surprised myself by going to  Best Buy.  Three small items and $68 later, I was still feeling quite good.  I closed out the hour by stopping at a little sandwich shop/bakery for a delicious tuna fish sandwich.

I saw a few emails flying by from some of my girlfriends.  I miss them.  It seems like our girls' trip was ages ago.  Just thinking about them make me smile!

Dinner, homework and evening chores were relatively painless.  I left Fred with the kids to attend a meeting at church.  Just what I needed.  A tiny break from work and family.  And, it was a break that let me focus on other people.  I decided that I wanted to keep that good feeling going, so I wrote one of my Sunday Letters early.  Those make me feel really good.  Now, I'm closing out my evening relaxed and stress free. 

My trials are still here and in full force, but I'm thankful to have a break.  Even if it is just for today. I want to remember this moment... just in case tomorrow doesn't go as well. 

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Happy Birthday, MaMaw

Happy Birthday, MaMaw!

We Love You,
Fred, Donna, Jessie and Jon Jon

Sunday, November 8, 2009

One Fall Day

Yesterday, Jonathan and I enjoyed a bike ride to the park.

Hanging out at the park is always fun.

I think this is supposed to be his "cool" pose.

Monkeyin' around on the monkey bars.

Such a handsome man.

We found a nice little pile of leaves.  Despite the warm temperature, the leaves made it feel a little bit like fall.

A big boy jumping in a little pile of leaves.

There is no fun like throwing leaves up in the air.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

The Newest Family Member

I am saying goodbye to this ole girl.  She was great, and I loved her.  Sadly, her flash became unreliable over the last seven months.  During the last month, it has gotten even more unreliable.  I am really going to miss her.

This newer and younger sister is taking her place.  I think that we are going to get along very well.  I bought the extended two year warranty... just in case she gets grouchy like her older sister.  She is pretty big for a point-and-shoot camera, but look at her lens.  Isn't it wonderful?