Thursday, May 7, 2009

Just Because

I just want to say that I love these two amazing kids. There are many times that they try my patience (and there are also many times that I try their patience). This week, I have found myself being reminded again and again that they are truly special people.

Jonathan and I were at the grocery store this week. He picked out some roses and vase that he insisted I needed. Very sweetly, he told me that I was going to have to buy them because he didn't have any money with him. He really felt like I needed them. I relented and bought the flowers and vase. He later told me that he was so glad that he had picked out those flowers for me.

Jessie tried to save a baby bird this week. The bird didn't make it, but she and her friends were determined to try to help it. She has been really sweet and thoughtful this week, as well.

Jessie and Jonathan, I love you very much!

1 comment:

Eric and Amy said...

You DO have wonderful children. Love the story about the flowers. And tell Jessica that I rescued a baby bird when I was about her age too. I had a vet for a neighbor, so he gave me a very strict schedule and set of instructions, and checked on my progress. I'm proud to say, "Charlie" lived! Once he got big enough to leave his nest I put in a box, he lived in our garden until he could fly, and then when he could fly he followed us to the mailbox every day. What an experience! Good for Jessica for trying!