Monday, April 20, 2009

The Lord Thinks It Is Time

Yesterday during church, I was called to the Bishop’s office. That can never be good. I asked if I had done something wrong. I kept thinking that Bishop Taylor had noticed that the Fortenberry’s are perpetually late for church. I felt sure that I was going to be taken to task for our continued tardiness.

Turns out I was completely wrong. I was there to be released from my calling as a Primary Teacher. Since I joined the church, I have spent most of my time in Primary. That is where my comfort zone is. Now I will be heading to Relief Society with the big girls. I’m nervous... I feel like a young girl entering middle school. Will I have any friends? Will I have to sit on the back row by myself? And, oh please don’t let them call on me. I know the Primary lessons by heart, but good grief don’t ask me an adult question. What will I do with my hands? They aren’t used to being empty. I usually have little ones climbing on me and hugging me. And, I always have at least one on my lap.

I accepted my new calling and smiled at our Bishop. I was upbeat, but he must have sensed my apprehension. He told me that the Lord thinks it is time for a change. I need to go to Relief Society now. If I’m not quite sure what to do with myself, he assured me that I could help the moms who still have their little ones with them. Couldn’t that be my new calling… Hugger of Toddlers in Relief Society?

As you might know, I’m not a big fan of change. I have worked at Nouveau for almost 14 years. My car was 10 years old when I finally let it go. We have been living in our “starter house” for the last 12 years. I guess that is why the Bishop repeatedly told me that the Lord thinks it is time for a change. I mean, you really can’t argue with the Lord, right?

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