Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Bless His Pea-Pickin' Heart

Bad Weather Day
Jonathan has had a hard time controlling his temper lately. Self Control and patience are two things that we say in our house all the time. Saturday we were driving home and he became really agitated. He told us that Mr. Smolka (his principal) had announced that Monday was going to be a bad weather day, but that they still had to come to school. He was so angry. He said "I can't believe there is going to be bad weather and they are making us come to school anyway." We tried to explain to him that Monday was scheduled as a bad weather make-up day. I tried to assure him that we were not expecting any bad weather on Monday.

Sister Friendly
One of the women at church dresses up in a big apron, crazy glasses, a wild wig and a hat and comes to Primary to visit the kids. She calls herself Sister Friendly and she discusses stories from a church magazine called the Friend. It is an awesome concept, because Jonathan has started reading the Friend. Before, he had no interest in reading it on his own.

We arrived at church late on Easter Sunday and there were tons of people. We stood out in the hallway with a bunch of other people. Jonathan pulled out the new Friend and asked me if I knew which article he was supposed to read for Sharing Time. We happened to be standing next to Sister Sivley who dresses as Sister Friendly each week. I told Jonathan that he should ask Sister Sively if she knew because I felt sure that she had the hook-up with Sister Friendly. Sister Sively answered his questions and he was happy to know which article to read. Then I saw him go over to have a more in-depth conversation with her. He leaned over to her and said "Can you ask Sister Friendly to call on me in Sharing Time? She never calls on me." He was so proud after church to let me know that Sister Friendly had called on him.

Bless his heart... even the 4 year olds in my class know that Sister Friendly is really little Hannah's mom!

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