Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Magic Time Machine

A couple of weeks ago, we went to Magic Time Machine with these sweet friends to celebrate Tony's birthday.  Our family hadn't been there since Jessie was very little.  It was more fun than I expected and way more food than I needed.  We always enjoy these people and this day was no exception.  

There were lots of laughs to be had when you dine at a place like this!

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

My Sweet Friend

The Fortenberry's sit in front of the sweetest little family in church.  I have spent what seems like the better part of a year trying to befriend their cute little daughter.  We'll call her M.  M is shy and only smiles at me and says hi.  One day as we left church, she ran up and gave me a quick hug.  I call that a success.

One week, I thought Mom deserved a little break and I told her to send one of her cute littles our way.  She said that she had been threatening to do just that.  Just so we're clear, when you are at your wits end, I will never be your punishment.  I'm more of a friend.

I talked M into coming and sitting with us during Sacrament.  She sits so sweet and quietly.  She puts on all my jewelry and we draw or look at books.  She pretty much makes my Sunday.  One Sunday, she brought me a note that says, "Dear Sister Fortenberry."  I think M and I are on our way to becoming BFFs.

Thursday, January 21, 2016

I Love My Boy

While Jonathan was away over the Christmas break, his grandparents bunked in his room.  He left his Christmas presents and his tuba strewn everywhere.  I was left to straighten it up.  While I was tidying up, I came across a tin box under his bed.  Scared out of my mind, I pulled the box out and found that Jonathan had written his name on it in sharpie.  I carefully opened the box-- not sure what I might find.  Much to my surprise, I found his stash of Christmas candy.  I'm not sure who he thought might take it, but he made sure to hide it!  I love my sweet boy.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Mountain Man Rendezvous

Jonathan had the opportunity to attend some sort of Mountain Man experience from December 29th through the 31st.  I can't even pretend to understand what it was all about.  Fred grew his beard out and went for one night.  I think they participated in activities that were reminiscent of the olden days.

Our friend, Tony, was nice enough to send me these pictures while they were away.  The climbing picture was accompanied with the message that read... "He was a little nervous going over the cliff."

I know that there was no running water, so he went three days without a shower.  THREE days.  I think they brought in port-a-potties for this thing, because-- well, no running water.  You can't even imagine how fast I washed his clothes.  He used his good UnderArmour IHS band duffel bag.  I Frebrezed it.

The best I can tell, Jonathan had a great time, and Fred was sad that he only went for one day.  Unfortunately, he just couldn't get off, because of the timing during the holidays.

We are so thankful for these experiences that both Fred and Jonathan have had over the last couple of years.

Friday, January 15, 2016

My Steven!

One of the best things about Christmas was getting to have lunch with Steven Parker!  You just don't even know how much I love Steven.  He is one of my oldest and dearest friends.  When I say oldest, I don't mean that he is literally old.  I mean that I've known him for a really long time.  I've known him for almost as long as I can remember.  He knows a lot of my secrets.  Too many.  Hopefully, his memory is fading.  We spent hours and hours on the phone when we were young.  I should probably send his dad an apology letter or send him a gift card or something.  

I remember that I was so homesick those first few weeks at UNT (yes, I am aware that I was only an hour and fifteen minutes away from home).  I was sad to leave my family and sad to leave Fred.  How thankful I was to have Steven there with me.  We had so much fun together.  1992 is still one of my favorite years!

Steven and I met for lunch at this cute little restaurant in Wylie.  It was in an old house.  How fun is that?   We talked and talked.  I could have sat there and talked all day.  I'm so glad that he made time for me while he was in town.  My dear friend lives in Colorado now, so we haven't seen each other in several years.  Mostly, we fill each other's Facebook walls with Steel Magnolias quotes and text occasionally.  My dream would be for him to move to Frisco and teach at IHS.  My ultimate dream would be for him to be my next door neighbor!

Steven, thank you for a great afternoon!  I love you and miss you, my dear friend.

Wednesday, January 13, 2016


A couple of days before Christmas we gathered with these people that we love so much.  Jessie and I weren't able to make it to see the Star Wars movie, but the rest of this group went to see the movie and then we had dinner at Outback.  I was tickled pink, because you may or may not know that I can eat me some steak.  I think Jessie and Jaiden had macaroni and cheese, and Jonathan ordered a hamburger.  Yes, these children go to a steak restaurant to order food that they could just as well eat at their house.  I still claim them anyway.  

We then went back to the Palmers to play the candy game.  I didn't even understand what the candy game was.  Now, I know.  It is Fred's new favorite game.  We have so much candy at our house, because Fred introduced the candy game to my family.  I think you should only play the candy game ONE time per Christmas season.  Seriously!  It's kind of like a White Elephant candy game on steroids.  The Fortenberrys came home with 11 different types of full size candies.  Crazy!

We are so thankful for the Palmers and Moffitts and their sweet friendship.  We enjoyed celebrating and having fun with them.  We love them and we are thankful that they are our "framily!"

Monday, January 11, 2016

And, He's 16!

Happy Birthday to our favorite boy!  I can't believe that he is 16.  Time has flown by... it is not fair.

We are so proud of this young man.  We love him so very much.