Monday, September 8, 2014

Meet Nimrod

Meet Nimrod.  Here he is lying on Jessie's bed while she sleeps.  I was walking back and forth between Jonathan's room and the living room.  And, he was just staring at me with his creepy eyes.  He is a creepy, weird cat.  Bless his little heart.

Jess was supposed to be "fostering" him.  Every time we talked about how he wasn't working out.  She would talk to his original owner and she would push for Jess to try just a little harder.  Before I knew it, this arrangement became more permanent.  It seems that no one was looking for Nimrod a permanent home.  And, there is a reason that he is called Nimrod.  He is not sharpest tool in the shed.   (I'm not sure if they named him after the Nimrod in the scriptures or the way that we currently use the word. But, my money is on the current definition of the word.)

There is also a reason why I am not fond of males (animals, that is).  I guess he can still smell our Princess, so he has proceeded to "mark" his territory.  Nothing smells worse than cat urine.  Most of his marking has been in Jessie's room where Princess spent most of her time.

I guess I'll never get that dog I really wanted... now that we are keeping Nimrod!  I love that Jonathan calls him Nimmie. Because, who names a cat Nimrod, after all.

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