Friday, September 5, 2014

Labor Day - Laboring in Jonathan's Room

So, my daughter is what I like to call a hoarder.  On this matter, we do not agree.  However, we both agree that she does not like to keep her room clean.  The act of cleaning overwhelms her.  She starts cleaning with the best of intentions and then it gets the best of her.  She would happily let me clean her room for her.  And, I end up helping her with this task, often.

However, I leave Jonathan alone.  As long as his room is reasonably clean, I don't say anything.  Jonathan is very much like Fred.  He believes that he his organized.  He has what I like to call "crap piles" (pardon my language) everywhere.  I couldn't take it anymore and decided to spend some time on Labor Day helping Jonathan organize his room.  He just about blew a gasket.  He couldn't take it.  He lost his mind and asked me, "Are you COD or something?"  COD?  I'm thinking he meant OCD.

We ended up doing very little to his room, because he likes his piles just the way they are!  Everything has a place and a purpose and he was going to lose his mind if I rearranged it.  At least you can walk in his room.  I have to intervene with Jess, because nothing has a place or a purpose in her room!

My favorite thing about Jonathan's room is this rack that hangs over his door!  He hangs his ties on it.  It makes me laugh that he keeps them tied.  I've gone in there and untied them all and you would have thought I had done something really terrible.  I also have to lay out a tie for him every Sunday or he will pick one tie and where it EVERY SINGLE WEEK!  I kid you not!  (His dad is the same way, so he comes by it honestly.)

So, after all that, I'm thinking that Jonathan is the OCD one!

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