Wednesday, June 13, 2012

My Pet Peeve

In two of Jonathan's classes, he has 'Interactive Notebooks.'  This basically means that Frisco unable or unwilling to provide my son with a textbook so he has to provide his own.  Each day he is given worksheets that he has to fill out and glue in to the correct position into his notebook.  He is graded on the placement of his papers and if he gets behind on this notebook then his grade reflects it.  Social Studies and Science are the two classes that Jonathan has to IN's (short for interactive notebooks).  Social Studies is first period when he is not as focused.  That class gives him the most trouble.  It is already harder for him and then you ad the extra work of the IN. 

His average at the end of the school year was a hard earned 79.  Let's just say that these IN's are a nightmare for kids with Aspergers and ADHD (Jonathan has both).  He had to lug this home almost every night.  By the end of the year, it was quite heavy.  Let's just say that we are thankful to have survived both Social Studies and the IN.

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