Friday, June 29, 2012

Flashback Friday: The Inner Space Cavern

Back on February 24th, we knew that Jessica would be released within the next few days.  Her therapist thought she should get used to hanging out in the 'real world' again, so she was granted a pass for that Friday and Saturday. We decided to tour the Inner Space Cavern in Georgetown .  It was my idea and everyone else thought it was silly.  However, the staff convinced Jess that my idea was a good one, so off we went!  We had such a fun time and enjoyed each other's company

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Fred's Man-Size Cooler

I have to post Fred and Jonathan's adventures from Scout Camp, but I really need their help.  In the meantime, I took these pictures of Fred getting his cooler ready the night before they left.

Does anyone really need a cooler this big?  It was very heavy.  I know this, because I helped load it in the back of the Durango.  I'm not sure that Fred had any room for kids.  His cooler took up all the room!  (It almost looks like a coffin!)

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Busy, Busy

It has been a busy week.  Our Account Directors are in town and we've had sales meetings all week. The last two days we've met after work, as well. I am exhausted, but happy to have the exchange of information.  Fred has been a trooper.  He has taken off early the last two days to pick Jessica up.  That has been super helpful.

Tomorrow is Young Women's and Thursday is Jessica's last day of summer school. 

So, stay tuned!  I will be back.  In the meantime, if you feel comfortable, please go to Nouveau's Facebook and like us  We are currently in Phase 1 (testing among the managers and their friends).  Thursday, we go to Phase 2 (rolling it out to our Associates).  Very, very soon we go to Phase 3 (asking our customers to like us).  I'm scared of Phase 3!  Be kind, yours truly took over Phase 1 in late May.

Thanks for your support!  We appreciate it. 

Sunday, June 24, 2012

He Sealed His Testimony In Blood

Joseph and Hyrum Smith were martyred on June 27, 1844. 

Carthage Jail, an angry mob with painted faces, and certain death faced the Prophet Joseph Smith. But from the wellsprings of his abundant faith he calmly met the Goliath of death. “I am going like a lamb to the slaughter,” he had said over a month earlier, “but I am calm as a summer’s morning. I have a conscience void of offense toward God and toward all men” (History of the Church, 6:555). -Thomas S. Monson, Meeting Your Goliath

Gordon B. Hinckley, the fifteenth President of the Church, testified: “So certain was [Joseph Smith] of the cause he led, so sure of his divinely given calling, that he placed them above the value of his own life. With prescient knowledge of his forthcoming death, he surrendered himself to those who would deliver him defenseless into the hands of a mob. He sealed his testimony with his life’s blood.”

We do not worship the Prophet. We worship God our Eternal Father, and the risen Lord, Jesus Christ. But we reverence him as an instrument in the hands of the Almighty in restoring to the earth the ancient truths of the divine gospel, together with the priesthood through which the authority of God is exercised. -Gordon B. Hinckley

I am so thankful for Joseph Smith's teachings and for his hand in restoring the gospel.  We sang one of my favorite hymns today, Praise to the Man.  Before we started, I leaned over to Jonathan and whispered in his ear how much I loved this song.  He nodded his head and agreed that this was one of his favorites, too.  Tears sprung from my eyes when we got to the chorus and Jonathan started belting out the chorus:
Hail to the Prophet
ascended to Heaven!
Traitors and Tyrants
now fight him in vain.
Mingling with Gods,
he can plan for his brethren;
Death cannot conquer
the hero again.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Flashback Friday: My Town

Malvern, Arkansas

A couple of years ago, Fred and I went back through Malvern, Arkansas, so that I could see my grandparent's house.  I posted pictures of their house, but not the pictures I took as we drove down the streets.  This is the town that my dad grew up in.  This is the town that I was born in.  This is the town that my grandparents lived most of their adult lives.  I have fond memories of this town.

This is my town!

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Fun Family Friends

Madison, Katy, Ally, Laura and Jessie

Madison and Savannah

Mrs. Joannie and Jessie

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Summer Sports

The Purple Cow in Fairview has a sand volleyball court right next to it.  We managed to hang out there for about 2 hours after dinner.
The guys were all good sports and played.  The women - not so much!  We all sat out.  I personally wasn't interested in getting sand on my feet or looking like an idiot in front of all of the people hanging out.
Some people, like Dave, are more comfortable with that sort of thing!  As you can see, he rolled his pants up to make manpri's and rolled his shirt sleeves up, so that easier to play.  Style was not on his mind.
 Given the fact that we were there for so long, I'm guessing that they had a blast.  The guys were dripping in sweat when we left.  Giving goodbye hugs was a little hard.  For some reason, the girls didn't sweat so much (even though, they were the more talented players).  Just sayin'!
I don't think they are ready for the Olympics... or any team for that matter, but fun was had by all!

Monday, June 18, 2012

Movie Madness

We had the opportunity to celebrate our sweet friend, Ally's 12th birthday on Saturday. We started the celebration by watching Madagascar 3.  I went with low expectations.  It is much easier to enjoy a movie that way.
Jessica, Katy, Madison, Jonathan, Laura (back row)
Rylee and Ally (front row)
I think the kids all enjoyed the part where Alex the zebra (Chris Rock) put on the rainbow colored wig and started singing:
I personally could have gone the rest of my life without that song!  Hearing it on 14 million commercials over the last month or so has been enough!
After the movie we reconvened at The Purple Cow for dinner.
We had a great time celebrating Ally's birthday and hanging out with our friends the Garstkas, Millers, Turners, Whites... and, of course, Abie.

Stay tuned for more...

Sunday, June 17, 2012

My Soul Delighteth in the Scriptures

When I study the scriptures, the Spirt of the Lord fills my home. I gain important understanding which I then share with my family, and my love for them increases. The Lord has told us that our time should "be devoted to the studying of the scriptures"...

Every woman can be a gospel doctrine instuctor in her home and every sister in the Church needs gospel knowledge as a leader and teacher.  If you have not already developed the habit of daily scripture study, start now and keep studying in order to be prepared for your responsibilities in this life and in the eternities.

Excerpts from Julie B. Beck's, My Soul Delighteth in the Scriptures (April 2004)

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Happy Father's Day

I remember Daddy´s hands, folded silently in prayer.
And reaching out to hold me, when I had a nightmare.
You could read quite a story, in the callouses and lines.
Years of work and worry had left their mark behind.
I remember Daddy´s hands, how they held my Mama tight,
And patted my back, for something done right.
There are things that I´ve forgotten, that I loved about the man,
But I´ll always remember the love in Daddy´s hands.

Daddy's hands were soft and kind when I was cryin´.
Daddy´s hands, were hard as steel when I´d done wrong.
Daddy´s hands, weren´t always gentle
But I´ve come to understand.
There was always love in Daddy´s hands.

I remember Daddy´s hands, working 'til they bled.
Sacrificed unselfishly, just to keep us all fed.
If I could do things over, I´d live my life again.
And never take for granted the love in Daddy´s hands.

Daddy's hands were soft and kind when I was cryin´.
Daddy´s hands, were hard as steel when I´d done wrong.
Daddy´s hands, weren´t always gentle
But I´ve come to understand.
There was always love in Daddy´s hands.

Daddy's hands were soft and kind when I was cryin´.
Daddy´s hands, were hard as steel when I´d done wrong.
Daddy´s hands, weren´t always gentle
But I´ve come to understand.
There was always love .....
In Daddy´s hands.

-Holly Dunn

Friday, June 15, 2012

Thursday, June 14, 2012

One Quiet Week

Fred and Jonathan have been away at Scout Camp all week.  They left Monday morning at 3:40 a.m.  I remember the exact time, because I got up with them and never went back to bed.

I haven't heard from them, so I don't know if they've been rained on or if they are having fun. I do know that it has been awfully quiet, pretty relaxing and a little bit boring without the boys.

They come home on Saturday afternoon.  I am looking forward to seeing them, and having our house full of hustle and bustle again.  I am not looking forward to dirty dishes and laundry, though!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

My Pet Peeve

In two of Jonathan's classes, he has 'Interactive Notebooks.'  This basically means that Frisco unable or unwilling to provide my son with a textbook so he has to provide his own.  Each day he is given worksheets that he has to fill out and glue in to the correct position into his notebook.  He is graded on the placement of his papers and if he gets behind on this notebook then his grade reflects it.  Social Studies and Science are the two classes that Jonathan has to IN's (short for interactive notebooks).  Social Studies is first period when he is not as focused.  That class gives him the most trouble.  It is already harder for him and then you ad the extra work of the IN. 

His average at the end of the school year was a hard earned 79.  Let's just say that these IN's are a nightmare for kids with Aspergers and ADHD (Jonathan has both).  He had to lug this home almost every night.  By the end of the year, it was quite heavy.  Let's just say that we are thankful to have survived both Social Studies and the IN.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Divine Nature

Believe in yourself.  Believe in your capacity to do great and good and worthwhile things.  Believe in the nature within you, the divine nature, that you are in very deed a son or daughter of the living God.  There is something of divinity within you, something that stands high and tall and noble.  Get above the dirt and filth of the earth and walk on a higher plane with your heads up, believing in yourselves and in your capacity to act for good in the world and make a difference.

-Gordon B. Hinckley

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Learning Patience

Fred and Jonathan will be leaving for Scout camp on Monday morning at 4:00 a.m. and will not return until Saturday afternoon.  As you can imagine, we will miss them tremendously.  However, right now, I am just trying to use a little thing called patience.  In preparing for camp, these boys are driving me crazy. 

Jonathan lost one of his special Scout t-shirts - Class A or something like that.  He has to wear one everyday for the entire week.  He has three, but we can only find 2.  He doesn't seem to be too worried.  He did wonder how he would make it through the week with only two shirts, since they don't have a washing machine at camp.  He really told me that they didn't have a washing machine at camp... like I thought there might be one!

Fred has made piles all through the house that need to be packed.  Seriously, couldn't he designate one room for packing.  I tried!  Every time I found a pile, I would move it to a central packing area.  He didn't seem to get the hint.  Even when I flat out told him what I was doing.

Lastly, you wouldn't believe what this camping trip has cost me.  We've bought drinks, snacks, a $150 bike rack, a serious cooler that will take two men to lift, both boys needed new shorts, plus all kinds of supplies.  Since this is their second year on the long camp out, plus all the small camp outs they do, I thought surely they wouldn't need anymore gear.  I was wrong.  I swear camp is just a big excuse to buy stuff!

I get frustrated thinking about it, but then I try to remember that it is for a great cause.  The boys (and their leaders) learn so much from Boy Scouts.  I am so thankful that Jonathan has had this opportunity, and I am thankful that Fred is right there with him.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Flashback Friday: Thrill Ride

Jonathan and Abie did one of those virtual roller coster rides at Main Event.  There was a screen, so that we could watch their reactions.  I don't know about you, but I think Abie looks scared.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Christmas Past, Part 2

On February 28, Jessica came home to find a pile of Christmas loot and a few Valentine goodies waiting for her in her bedroom.  Some of her Christmas presents had already been sent to her, so this was what was left.  She sat down on the couch and we stacked her presents all around her and we all awkwardly stared at her while she opened her presents.

She was excited to her get her presents and nervous to be home. Add to that Mom taking pictures and everyone staring at her. It was uncomfortable for sure, but we were all so glad to have her home. 
Gracie, our 14 1/2 year old Shih-tzu was probably the most excited to see Jessica.

Whosover shall put their trust in God shall be supported in their trials, and their troubles, and their afflictions, and shall be lifted up at the last day. -Alma36:3

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Christmas Past, Part 1

I have been thinking a lot about Christmas 2011 these last few days.  I never documented Christmas and I still don't know what I want to say about it.  It was dark time for us, but we put on our happy face and persevered.  Jessica was away from us getting help for her depression.  She left on December 15 and returned on February 28.  By the time Christmas arrived, we still weren't quite used to her being away. 

Christmas morning, her stocking hung on the mantle and her presents were under the tree.  We did our best to smile for Jonathan as he tried to enjoy Christmas morning without his sister.  We went to church and then had Christmas lunch with Fred's sister and her family.  All normal activities, but nothing was normal. 

I am so glad that Jess was able to get the help that she needed... even if it meant that we lost her over Christmas.  We are glad to have her home and doing well.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

My Everyday Super Hero

Jessica loves super heroes.
Jessica loves super hero movies.
Jessica loves super hero t-shirts.
Jessica loves all things super heroes.
I love Jessica.
Jessica is my everyday super hero - she is brave and courageous.

Monday, June 4, 2012

For The Love Of Feet

I have said it before, I love Stephanie Nielson.  I love the woman she was before the plane crash, and I love the woman that she has become.

Well, I have to say that I was thinking that Saturday's confession about my feet photography was just a little embarrassing.  I thought that maybe it was one of those things that was better left to myself, if you know what I mean.

Imagine my surprise when I popped over to and saw Stephanie's Sunday post.

Her post read:
Do you have a private photo collection of anything in your house?
I have photos of my children's shoes-with them wearing them.

What an odd coincidence?  I feel flattered that we share the same interest (if you can call it that).  I feel slightly more comfortable in my weirdness.  And, maybe just a little cool!  Most importantly, you should feel bad for those thoughts you were thinking when you read my feet post.  So there!  (This is the part where you imagine me sticking my tongue out at you.)

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Pray For The Love

"I give counsel to husbands and wives. Pray for the love which allows you to see the good in your companion. Pray for the love that makes weaknesses and mistakes seem small. Pray for the love to make your companion’s joy your own. Pray for the love to want to lessen the load and soften the sorrows of your companion."

-Henry B. Eyring

Saturday, June 2, 2012

One Foot, Two Foot

I was at a birthday party, and found myself taking pictures of feet.

I was intrigued with the styles of shoes that they kids chose to wear.






After examining each pair of shoes, they all told the story of each teen/kid's personality.  I wonder what my shoes say about me?  Most of all, what does it say about me that I was interested enough to take pictures of feet?

Friday, June 1, 2012

Flashback Friday: Look Whose Fifteen

Last August, we had a grand celebration for Jessica.  We started by meeting at the movie theater for Harry Potter and then ended with lunch and cake at CiCi's. 

MaMaw, Grady, the Simmons, Garstkas, Millers, DiSpignos and Whites were all on hand for the celebration.  I just can't believe that her 'Sweet 16' is around the corner!