Thursday, December 8, 2011

Flashback: Laura's Birthday

I am trying to go back and catch up on all of the summer happenings that I didn't write about. We were fortunate enough to celebrate our dear sweet friend, Laura's birthday. I have learned that little girl's want to act older than they are, and the teenagers enjoy things from their "childhood." You'll notice that Laura had a Captain America party, and Jessie is wearing a Hello Kitty top. Little Madison looks to be more mature than both of the big girls put together :)
After lunch and cake, we had a fun time time beating the Texas heat by jumping in the pool. The kids and men had a great time swimming, playing and throwing the ball around.
The kids are so sweet and have so much fun together. Although, poor Jonathan is always the odd man out - he is the only boy in the group.
We feel so blessed to have such great friends.

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