Sunday, November 20, 2011

My Favorite Time Of The Day

I never thought that I would say it, but I just love the early morning when I'm getting my kids off for the day.  I love taking Jessie to early morning seminary in the wee hours of the morning when things are still calm.  At 5:45 a.m., the house is still quiet, and the chaos of the day hasn't begun.  I enjoy her enthusiasm for seminary, and love hearing about the lessons and the antics of her friends (usually the boys).  Unfortunately, she takes medicine for insomnia, so we monitor when she took her medicine and how many hours of sleep she was able to get each night.  Because of her sleep situation, I don't wake her up every morning for seminary.  I am supposed to ensure that she get 9 hours of sleep, which is almost impossible.  I try for 8 to 8 1/2 hours.  We do our best, though!

Jonathan rides his bike to school every morning.  My heart soars every morning when I walk him out. He has a bright red helmet that is really for skateboarding, so it is hideously ugly (in my eyes, of course).  However, Jonathan loves it!  I asked him if he would like a new helmet, but he is quite happy wearing his "special helmet."  Jonathan was recently diagnosed with PDD-NOS (which means that his diagnosis is really close to Asperger's), so this means that he is a creature of habit.  We have a morning routine that Jonathan makes sure happens EVERY morning.  Before Jonathan rides out on his bike, we always have a morning prayer, and then I watch to make sure that he gets down the street safely.

I am so thankful for my "alone" time with each of my kids in the morning.  I feel like we are working towards righteous goals.  During this time the kids voice concerns to me and we offer prayers of safety and gratitude.

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