Thursday, March 31, 2011

The Beverly Hillbillies Go To New York

We rolled up to the Marriott Courtyard Times Square in a limo.  Oh, yes we did.  We did not, however, roll up looking classy in our limo.  No, our co-president declared that we looked like the Beverly Hillbillies in New York. 

Six of us stood at the baggage carousel waiting for our luggage.  Most of us had two large pieces of luggage, because we were hand carrying product or presentations for the show.  A limo driver took in the situation and realized that he could make some money off of us.  He explained to our co-president that he could put us in a limo for far less than we would spend on taxis.  At first, it seemed pretty exciting.  My first time in New York.  I would experience the drive to our hotel in a limo.  Thing is, the driver didn't exactly have room for all of our luggage.  So, we sat with luggage crammed around us.  We discussed having a van service pick us up at the airport, but we wanted to save money.  I do believe that I will schedule a van to pick us up at the airport next year!  Six people and 10 pieces of luggage require a van!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

My Bucket Runneth Over

I went to New York for work, and had a wonderful time.  Unfortunately, I left Fred and the kids at home.  Thankfully, they were all on Spring Break.  Jonathan said that he wasn't very sad that I was gone, since he was on Spring Break.

We worked really hard.  Our trade show went well, and all of our meetings were a success.  In the evenings, we were able to get out and play.  I am happy to report that I was able to mark a few items off of my bucket list while I was in New York.  I also managed to accomplish a few things that weren't on my bucket list, but still felt like big accomplishments.  You know, things like taking the subway, navigating NYC alone, eating a raw oyster and trying a bite of a friend's rabbit.  None of these were on my bucket list, but I sure felt a sense of accomplishment after completing each one. 

I expect to have time this weekend to get a few posts written.  Until then, I will tell you that rabbit tastes like chicken, and I haven't the slightest idea what raw oysters taste like.  I swallowed really fast!

Monday, March 28, 2011

We Believe In Being Honest

Jess and I spent Saturday evening watching our church's Young Women's General Broadcast.  It was televised on the BYU channel, so we settled in for the night with pizza and our blankets.  Our church leaders spoke to the young women (girls 12-18 and their mothers).

This year's mutual theme is our 13th Article of Faith:  We believe in being honest, true, chaste, benevolent, virtuous, and in doing good to all men; indeed we may say that we follow the admonition of Paul - We believe all things, we hope all things, we have endured many things, and hope to be able to endure many things.  If there is anything virtuous, lovely or of good report or praiseworthy, we seek after these things.  Each of the speakers had prepared talks based on the 13th Article of Faith.

Ann M. Dibb is the Second Counselor in the General Young Women's Presidency, and is also the daughter of our dear, sweet prophet, Thomas S. Monson.  I always love her talks, and Saturday night was no exception.  She spoke on honesty.  It struck a chord with me, because it has recently been suggested that I am "too honest."  As an adult, those were never words that I would expect to hear.  I believe in being honest in all of my dealings with my fellow men.  That is who I am. 

I feel so fortunate to belong to a church where my daughter and I can spend an hour and a half being spiritually fed by church leaders.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Babysitting 101

I have been working with this wonderful group of girls for about three months now.  They are so much fun!  A couple of weeks ago, I taught them babysitting tips and tricks.  I still don't know what I'm doing in this calling, but they have accepted me (warts and all)!
Sydney gets the award for best swaddler!
Jaiden is our newest Beehive, and prefers to babysit animals!
Emma had lots of tips and tricks of her own.  She has experience babysitting her younger brothers.
Faith also has lots of experience babysitting, and was able to help teach the class!
Emily's baby is petite... just like her!
Anndrea is my most enthusiastic Beehive!  She always has lots of questions for me!

I love these girls!  They are such a blessing in my life.  I know that I've said this before, but it is so true, they teach me more than I could ever teach them.  This calling came at a time in my life when I thought that my plate was entirely too full for anything else.   Somehow, through faith and prayer, I have fit this huge calling on my overflowing plate.  And, the blessings have been overflowing.