Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Who Let the Dogs Out

It is a ice/snow day today.  I realized at 9:30 this morning that our doggy door was frozen shut.  My dogs never alerted me to the fact that they couldn't get out to do their business.  Who wants to go squat in the snow and ice?  Really?
So, I got this crazy idea to take them out for a walk.  They were really excited about the prospect of a walk.  I pulled the leashes out and they went crazy.  I wonder why it is okay to go for a walk in the snow, but not okay to go out in the backyard?  I pulled out my rubber boots from my University of North Texas days.  I'm so glad that I've hung on to those.   They are so out of style and not very attractive, but they served their purpose today.
 I grabbed my crazy girls and away we went into the freezing wind.  What was I thinking?  Getting these girls to do their business was a hard job.  They were excited and all over the place!  Mollie wanted to smell everything, but wasn't interested in doing anything.  Usually, she goes to the bathroom every couple of feet.  Not today!  Gracie on the other hand did her business.  On the sidewalk.  In front of the neighbor's house.  How embarassing!  She really has adopted the "I'm old, so I can do anything I want" attitude. 

You know it is cold and windy when your hair is all over the place, and your mascara is running down your face! (It is so cold that my left eye won't even open fully!)  My mission was accomplished, and I won't be going outside anytime soon!  I asked Jonathan if he wanted to go out with me, and he informed me that it was way too cold.  Smart man!  I wish I had been that smart!

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