Thursday, February 3, 2011

Going Crazy!!!!

This is our third day of bad weather.  I am going crazy.  The kids are fine.  They are watching TV, playing on the computer, iTouch, DS, Wii and whatever else.  Not me.  If I check Facebook one more time, I'm going to scream!!!  The entire country is in the same boat, so I'm getting very few work emails to follow-up on.  (Now I've gone and jinxed myself... there will be some huge crisis today that I can't fix from home!)

I couldn't take it anymore, and went for a 20 minute walk this morning.  It was cold, don't get me wrong, but the bigger issue was the sheets of ice that I had to walk on. I almost busted it a few times.  I was fortunate, because I wasn't walking in the wind.  The only time I had trouble was when I turned down my street.  I was the only fool out walking, but it felt so good to get out of the house!  Remember how Gracie pottied in front of the neighbor's house?  It was still there.  A big frozen yellow circle.  How embarassing!

My face is red in this picture, because my body temp was at about 100 degrees.  I was wearing long underwear, an oversized pair of jeans (to accommodate the long underwear), a long sleeve undershirt, a big fleece shirt, my winter coat, Jonathan's winter cap, Fred's camouflage neck warmer thing-a-ma-bob, Jonathan's fleece scarf, my headband thingy that covers your ears, two pair of gloves and rubber boots with furry lining (still hanging around from 1992).  It was perfect!  I was nice and toasty.

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