Saturday, October 30, 2010

Mad Skillz?

I am a thinker.  I am always thinking.  It drives Fred crazy. 

A couple of weeks ago, we had the missionaries in our home.   They looked at Fred and asked him about his interests.  Of course, fishing was top on his list.  Then, he followed it up with several other interests.  I sat there hoping they wouldn't ask me.  Sure enough, they turned and asked me next.  Darn!  I stuttered and stammered.  Outside my family, my career and my church calling, I really wasn't sure that I had any interests.

After they left, I started thinking about it.  See!  What did I tell you?  I'm a thinker.

Photography?  Could that be an interest?  I did buy a nicer point and shoot camera last year.  I'm finally venturing off of the automatic setting and heading on over to the manual setting.  But, is it really an interest?  It is getting harder and harder to get my subjects to cooperate.  I find myself taking fewer and fewer pictures.

Cycling?  I bought a book on cycling.  I even researched street bikes.  I found the one that I would like to buy should the funds become available for Christmas.  However, let's face it. I only have two days available to ride.  I am not a serious rider.  I am like the 8 year old that gets to go out and ride her bike on the weekend.  Nothing more.

I don't bake or sew.  I'm not artistic.  I'm not sporty.  I seriously don't have any interests. 

Well, there is one secret interest. 

Do I even dare mention it?  It is kind of embarassing to admit.  I would like to learn how to write.  I have always admired writers.  One of my favorites is Kristin Carlson - she used to work for Nouveau.  I used to marvel at her work.  Long before I started this little blog, I wished I could write like her.  Never did I dream that I would start a blog and actually enjoy writing.  I looked into a class at Collin County Community College, but it involved sharing your stories with the class. Ummm.... I don't think so! 

For now, I won't be learning any new mad writing skills. 

But, at least I realized that I really do have an interest.

**I think this should be my official "before" picture. This is before I lost 12 pounds.  Check out my hips in this shot!

1 comment:

Eric and Amy said...

Now you've got me thinking about my own interests! Thanks for the reminder to be more than wives and mothers ... that we have interests too that we can foster!