Tuesday, October 19, 2010

How Great Thou Art

I have been blessed to grow up with wonderful female role models. When I was growing up, I always loved family get-togethers at my Grandma’s house. There was always lots of laughter and lots of love. My mom has sisters and I think it must be great to have sisters. Those sisters love me (and my children) unconditionally.

As I have mentioned before, my Aunt Judy’s battle with cancer is coming to a close. I’ve also mentioned her deep love for Elvis. I think you also know that I’m a sensitive soul that is known to cry at a moment’s notice. So, now you have all that you need to follow this little story.

I was with my girlfriends at a crafty-type store, and I wondered into a nice little room. It was filled with stuff that I knew that I would really like. There were plaques with inspirational quotes, angel figurines, and Jim Shore collectibles. My mom collects Jim Shore’s stuff, so I thought I would look for a birthday gift. My little ears quickly tuned into the CD player. Darned if it wasn’t playing Elvis’ rendition of Amazing Grace. I felt like I had been kicked in the gut. I moved out of that room as fast as I could.

Seriously? Of all the religious music in the world, why would they play Elvis? I hung out in the next area of the shop until that song was over. I moved back in, so that I could do some shopping. Oh, no. It couldn’t be that easy. The next song on the CD was Elvis’ How Great Thou Art. For real? I got so upset that I knocked over an entire stack of metal crosses. I had to exit the shop, and sit on the porch with my sunglasses on. The moment passed, but I don’t think that I will be listening to How Great Thou Art for a while.

I am so thankful to have grown up with these wonderful influences in my life. Although, it sure does hurt when you know that it is almost time to send one back to Heaven. I hope Elvis is preparing for the eventual arrival of his #1 fan!

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