Saturday, May 29, 2010

Home on the Range

I have never considered myself an outdoorsy person.  Although, right now, I am loving the outdoors.  I get outside any moment I can.  I love my Saturday morning bike rides.  I enjoy looking up at the beautiful sky.  Feeling the wind against my skin.  I even had a little rabbit race me last Saturday.
At one end of the bike trail, it dead ends into a pasture of cows.
 This is my favorite part of the bike ride.  It reminds me of home.  I miss looking out past my backyard and seeing these beautiful creatures.   
 When I was growing up, I really wanted a cow.  I came home from the Collin County Youth Show, and told my family that I wanted a Black Amos cow.  They are still making fun of me for calling it a Black Amos instead of a Black Angus.  I had met a very handsome young man who had a beautiful Black Angus.  I'm not sure which I liked better him or the cow.

 Looking very natural (code for no make-up) with the cows.

Sprinkler Fun

I made a deal with Jonathan.  I told him on Monday that we would play outside in the sprinkler, if he completed his homework in a timely manner.  It turned out to be a great motivational tool!

How often do you get to have this much fun on a school night?

Friday, May 28, 2010


A while back, Fred decided that Jonathan should start wearing deodorant.  I think that he jumped the gun on that one, but Jonathan liked the idea.  Jonathan likes to use Axe products (shampoo, body soap, hair gel, deodorant, you name it).  We were at Kroger, and were having to buy Jonathan more deodorant.  He keeps rolling the deodorant up too high, and then putting the lid on it.  Fred decided that he was tired of this, and suggested a deodorant spray.  I was shopping on a different aisle, and didn't see Jonathan's selection until I got home.  Imagine my surprise when I saw Axe Dark Temptation.  Underneath Dark Temptation, it reads As Irresistible as Chocolate. I'm pretty sure he thought it would smell like a yummy brownie.  This stuff stinks beyond belief, but Jonathan loves it!  He thinks he is such a big man with his new deodorant!  Ten year old boys are so silly.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

The Three Amigos

Our friends, Abie and Stacey, just bought their first home.  Abie has helped us all with countless projects, so Fred and Dave jumped to his rescue.  They helped with the moving, and getting things set-up in the new home.  These guys are quite tight, and are even known to meet up once a week to catch a movie (I like to call it their weekly date night.) 

Us girls laughed when we saw them standing next to each other working at Abie's house.  They are so much alike that they even dress alike.  Is that normal?  Should we be concerned?  Our girlfriends think their friendship is odd.  We find it to be sweet and endearing.  However, I'm starting to worry now.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Little House on the Prairie - The Musical

 I managed to talk my family into attending The Little House Musical with me.  They wholeheartedly agreed to it when I bought the tickets in March.  As the date of the show grew closer, their excitement wained.  Still, they humored me, and went along.  I was very excited, because I am a huge Little House fan.  I discovered the books as a young child.

I wasn't sure what to expect, because I couldn't figure out how the Little House books could translate into a musical.  I loved it!  I energetically clapped when Melissa Gilbert came on stage.  My daughter leaned over, and told me that I was clapping too loud.  Jess and Fred enjoyed themselves.  Jonathan only enjoyed portions, which made Fred come to the conclusion that Jonathan isn't the musical kind of guy (which really means... In the future, please don't waste our money on tickets for him).  As for me, I was thoroughly entertained!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Baby Lainey

My brother and his wife welcomed a baby girl on May 21 at 11:59 p.m.  Lainey Eryn Forthman weighed 8 lbs 12 oz, and was 21 inches long.  I hear reports that she is beautiful, and I can't wait to meet her. 

Jonathan asked when we were going to visit.  I told him that we would give Uncle Jeffrey and Aunt Emma some time to adjust before we headed to San Antonio.  Jonathan was confused by this.  He really didn't understand why they needed an adjustment period.  He said, "They're only dealing with one baby.  Why do they need to adjust?  Can't we go visit them now?" 

Welcome Baby Lainey, and congratulations to Jeff and Emma.  We love all three of you!

Photo courtesy of MaMaw and Grady.

Monday, May 24, 2010


I have decided that humiliation is the way to go.  Humiliation can be pretty motivating.  Here are the "before" pictures that Jonathan took on 5/18.  I've lost a few pounds since these were taken, but I haven't really tracked it yet.  I'll probably weigh myself tomorrow.

This is the official "before" picture.  I sure hope there is an "after" picture in my future.

The last two pictures are because I'm crazy.  I want to work on my arms, so Jonathan took a picture of my sad little arms, as they are now.

Here are my triceps, or what I like to refer to as my bat wings.  They need lots of work.

Please note that these are the same jeans that I'm wearing in the family picture from the last post.  I think part of the problem is that they are just very unflattering jeans.  (I know... more excuses).  However, they are cinched up with a belt.  That counts for something.  I've dropped a pant size in the last month, so I must be making some progress. I'm an instant gratification kind of girl.  There is nothing instant about weight loss.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Excuses, Excuses

I'm sure you are wondering where I've been.  Okay, maybe I'm not sure.  I hope you've been wondering where I've been.  I'm not giving up blogging, I promise.  It is very important for me to capture the day-to-day life of my family.  I want my children and grandchildren to have a record of our comings and goings.  I want my kids to know that I'm proud of them. 

Around Easter, I found myself behind on my blogging. Like my kids, I tend to throw my hands up in the air when I get behind.  I think that I've been a little overwhelmed with life.  Not unhappy, and not frustrated or depressed.  Just a little overwhelmed.  Not sure how to accomplish all that needs to get accomplished at the end of the day.  So, enough of the whiny excuses.  The main reason that I'm behind on my blogging is that I've been working out at least 5 nights a week for the last month.  The time that I used to spend blogging is now spent jumping around like an idiot (Fred and the kids can confirm this).

Sadly, I've only lost five pounds.  Five measly little pounds.  I love this family picture, but I hate myself in it.  I really look like a fatty in it.  I think I'm looking better than I did in when I took this picture in October.  However, that might be wishful thinking.

For some reason, the weight just isn't coming off.  I'm eating better, and I'm working out like crazy. So, I've decided to use Shakeology to supplement my efforts.  I started a three day cleanse today, and then I just substitute one meal a day with a shake.  I'm going to try it for a month to see if it can give my 38 year old metabolism a jump start.  Jonathan took my "before" pictures today.  I sure hope I get to take some "after" pictures.  I haven't had a chance to look at the pictures yet.  I'm not sure if I will share them.  We'll see...

That is the long and pitiful reason for my absence.  I am going to commit myself to find time to exercise and blog!  I think it will get easier once school is out.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Just Call Me Regina

Disclaimer:  My mom is going to be so mad that I am posting this.

We made a Walmart trip with the family today.  We had a lot to get done, so we split up.  Fred and his parents hit the grocery aisles.  Jess went in search of make-up.  Jonathan had earned a prize, so he and I were visiting the toy department.  We started heading that way, and we passed the boys' clothes.  I looked over and remembered something very important.  In my loudest "Mom" voice, I announced, "Jonathan, we need to get you some underwear."  I heard it come out of my mouth, and I was shocked.  I couldn't believe that I actually said that!  I am officially my mother!