Friday, April 25, 2014

Small but Mighty

Twice a week, Jessie and I workout in our training room at the office. I look at these two images on the wall while I workout. I aspire to have her arms.  Like, I really want her arms.  I think they are really beautiful (and possibly Photoshopped).  She could probably use more muscle, but I wouldn't complain one bit if I had her arms!

The entire time I am working out, I am thinking about my arms and how I can make them look like hers.  The other women are probably focusing on other parts of their body, but I am thinking about these arms.

Here are my arms.  I don't think they are THAT bad.  I have been working on them and if you squint you can see definition.  There is also a lot of loose skin, too!  I totally get that. And, for that reason, I choose to keep them covered for 99.9% of the time.  Now, I happen to have a friend that saw this picture and made fun of them.  He called them little and scrawny!  I believe his wife might have been in on the act, too.   To these "friends," I would like to say that they are small but mighty! (And, floppy, too!)

If you read my blog, then you know that this is my second post about my arms!  I am obsessed with my arms. :-)

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Just Wanted One Picture

We got home after church on Easter and I called out that I wanted one picture.  Fred had already taken his tie off.  I didn't know a person could get their tie off that fast, because we only had one foot in the door when I told them we were taking pictures.  You would think torture was involved the way they were acting!

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Miss Mollie

Happy, Happy Birthday Mollie!  Miss Mollie turned 6 on Sunday.  We love that crazy girl.  We are still on the fence and can't decide if we want to bring another dog into our home.  For right now, we will just stick with being a one dog and one cat owner.  So, if you have a small dog, bring her over!  Mollie likes to have friends come and play.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

MoPro 2014

Last Friday, Fred and I had the best time chaperoning the Priest/Laurel Prom.  We have the most wonderful youth.  I just love being around them.  The girls were dressed so beautiful in their modest promwear (that word is so made up) and the guys were so handsome.  Fred and I got into the act with our coordinating outfits.  It just about killed Fred to a) match and b) to wear what he deemed a girly color.  When we weren't at our assigned post, we tried to stay at the back of the cultural hall and just watch so we didn't cramp their style, but every single one of the them came by to say hi.  I just love the youth in our church... they are so awesome!

Monday, April 21, 2014

Easter with Friends

My most favorite holiday of the year is Easter with Christmas being a close second.  I just love everything about Easter.

We were so glad that we got to enjoy the Garstka/Turner family picnic.  We had a very nice time and even brought Mollie and sweet little Josie (Auntie Jan's dog), but we sure did miss our family.  Mom, Dad, Auntie Jan and Uncle Joe went hiking in Lawton.  They were able to visit with Jeff, Emma and Lainey.  Jessie was still traveling back from her senior trip at Big Bend National Park.  Other family members had to work and Grandma was too frail for an egg hunt.  So, we just weren't able to pull off a get together this year!  However, we were so thankful for wonderful friends that included us in their fun family get together.

Of course, Sunday took us to church where I love to see everyone dressed in their Easter finery!  And, where we remember the real reason we celebrate Easter - the remembrance of Jesus' atonement and resurrection. After church, we ended up at the Palmer's for dinner (sweet friends from church).  They were too nice to remember us!

While we didn't get to celebrate with our family this year, we are so grateful that we have friends that made us their family this holiday!

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

In Love

Our sweet friends, Abie and Stacey DiSpigno had their baby girl on April 11th.  After 9 months of indecision, Abie finally agreed upon a name for this beautiful girl!  Baby Isabella joined our circle of friends and we couldn't be happier.  She is a teeny tiny bundle of sweetness with the cutest, chubbiest cheeks ever.  She looks like Abie through the eyes!  That just means she fits in with Jessie and Ally who have their daddy's eyes.

She is precious in every way and the Fortenberry's are absolutely in love!

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

What About Glamour Shots

We still need to schedule Jessie's senior pictures.  Last Friday, I delicately broke the news to Fred on what the damage was going to be.  For me, it makes perfect sense.  Your child will only be a high school senior once and you need to preserve those memories.  For Fred, pictures are useless and a waste of time and money.  After hearing the dollar amount, he asked me what I thought about Glamour Shots.  Huh?  He wanted to know if I could take her to Glamour Shots!!!  When he saw my concern and confusion, he asked if Glamour Shots was too expensive.  I began to laugh and controllably and told him that it probably wasn't, but that Glamour Shots is sooo 1988.  This morning I asked Jess if she had ever heard Glamour Shots.  She said she heard about it on Napoleon Dynamite.  That made my day!