Friday, July 19, 2013

Forthman Fun

I am so far behind that I guess I will just start with last weekend....

We had fun hanging out at MaMaw and Grady's and visiting while Jeff, Emma and Lainey were in town.

Lainey found that Jonathan was an easy "target" and would play with her almost as much as she wanted.  He
tried to fake a nap once or twice, but she wouldn't have any of that.

My camera battery died before I got any pictures of Jessie and Lainey together.  Jess helped her play dress-up.  MaMaw still has all of Jessie's old dress-up clothes.  Thankfully, my battery didn't die before getting a super-cute picture of MaMaw and Jeff - I think Jeff was going for super-cheesy, but it turned out cute.

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