Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Hanging with Jonathan

I'll just say it... Fred and Jessica can be party poopers.  Their idea of a fun summer activity is going to see a movie.  Jess would also say that going to the mall is high on the list.  For that reason, I call the two of them party poopers, and Jonathan is my summer buddy.  We bike (don't look at my outfit... it was too big, thus making me look chubby), swim, hike, feed the ducks, and walk the dogs together.
Jonathan is such a sweet guy to hang out with his mom.  I'm very fortunate that he heads out with me on the weekends.  (Don't you just love the picture of our little pond?  We could definitely use some rain.  Those poor ducks need some more water to swim in.)
Jonathan's favorite summer activity is swimming.  He expects (or maybe demands) to swim as many nights as possible during the summer.  I usually sit in my little chair reading Fitness or Women's Health.  However, the sun usually gets to me, and I have to cool down and swim for a few minutes.  Jonathan and I sometimes race.  I LET him win!  For real!  I LET him win! 
My heart is touched by my sweet Jonathan.  I love him so much, and enjoy our time together.  I do wish that Jessica and Fred enjoyed these activities.  I would love to share them with the entire family.  However, since they don't, it gives me some precious time with Jonathan.  I know that these moments are fleeting, and this might be my last summer to spend so much time with him.  I love you, Brother!

Monday, September 26, 2011

Best Buds

Jonathan and his sweet friend, Perrin, are such kindred spirits.  They have similar struggles in life.  They are quirky, but in different ways.  Yet, they accept, embrace and forgive the other's little odd behaviors.  Perrin and Jonathan have such a good time when they are together.  Unfortunately, Perrin goes to a different school, so they only see each other at church on Sundays and Wednesdays.  They both love video games, scouts, poking dead birds with a  stick, swimming, and playing the tuba.  What did I tell you?  Kindred spirits!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Called to Serve

We are so fortunate to have wonderful missionaries serving in our Ward.  Jessica goes each Saturday to a "Missionary Pow-Wow" where she and other youth in our stake get together.  The missionaries have an object lesson for them.  Afterwards, the youth usually hang out and have a snack, enjoy each other's company and then sometimes watch the BYU game.  Jess has grown to enjoy and respect the missionaries so much.
We recently had Elder Draper and Elder Moli (the kids enjoyed calling him Elder Guacamole) over for dinner.  They were so fun.  They gave us a wonderful object lesson that involved Jonathan holding a tea bag in his had that was on fire!  He was brave and didn't move.  Obviously, that was a lesson in faith.  Then, Jonathan talked them into a game of Skip-bo. 

We really enjoyed having such wonderful men in our home.  They taught our family so much about faith and staying true to the gospel.  I am thankful for the example they are to Jessica and the other youth each week.

These Shoes Are Made For Walking

Just before school started, I had some special one on one time with each of the kids.  Jess and I went to see a chick flick (no pictures to prove it).  Jonathan and I went hiking at the Arbor Hills park in Plano.
Jonathan and I went hiking in the evening to try to beat the heat.  Of course, that meant he needed to stop and have a snack. The Boy Scout motto is Be Prepared.  Jonathan was certainly prepared with a drink and Cheez-its!
Jonathan captured me in my visor and fanny pack.  I thought if I had it slung low, it wouldn't look so nerdy.  However, we all know that a fanny pack is a fanny pack!
Jonathan and I had a great time!    He is definitely my little buddy.  I always have a great time biking, swimming and hiking with him.  I should clarify that I have a great time with him, once we get past the complaining.  You can always count on him to do a little complaining about every activity (except swimming).  It cracks me up, because he almost always ends up having a wonderful time.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Court of Honor

Our church places a strong emphasis on the scouting program.  Through the years, Jonathan has struggled with the program.  For the most part, he has not found it enjoyable.  Last fall, Fred was called as one of the 11 year old scout leaders.  Fred loves his calling, and Jonathan has learned to love scouting.  We recently held a Court of Honor where Fred was able to award Jonathan with some merit badges that he had been working on. 

Baby Lainey

In early August, the kids were excited that their baby cousin, Lainey was coming for a visit.  (They were also excited to see Uncle Jeffrey and Aunt Emma.)  The couldn't get enough of little Miss Lainey.  We all enjoyed loving on her. 
We learned that Jonathan is great with kids.  He was so sweet with Lainey, and wanted to help her do everything. 
Jessica also had a great time with Lainey.  She is a natural with little ones, and they always love her. 

We were so glad that Jeff and his family were finally able to come for a visit.  We scored big, because we were able to see them about a week later when we were in Austin visiting Auntie Jan and Uncle Joe.  Jeff, Emma and Lainey came for dinner one night, and we were able to spend a couple of hours with them.  Unfortunately, I didn't get any pictures from that visit.  I was fighting a migraine, and didn't think to record the night.  Hopefully, we will see them more often if/when they move to Oklahoma. 

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Dance Fever

I had the pleasure of taking Jessica and her sweet friend, Nicole, to a recent church dance.  They were so cute and funny as they discussed boys and gave them code names.  As youth leaders, we take turns chaperoning the dances.  This wasn't one that I was scheduled to chaperone, but I jokingly told the girls that I would be happy to chaperone.  I was assured that they just needed a ride to the dance, and not a chaperone.
These girls are absolute dolls, and I had a blast with them!  I am so thankful for the wonderful friendships that Jessica has made in our church, and for their sweet influence on her.  I am also thankfurl for the opportunity to serve these wonderful youth.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

School Daze

We are still alive!  We had a great summer, and I hope to get the highlights documented.  Jonathan started the 6th grade and is officially in middle school now.  Jessica is in her second year of high school.
Jonathan rides to and from school everyday on his bike.  This is a big deal, and Mom was really nervous.  To ease my nerves, a couple of days before school started, we took a family bike ride to the school.  We discussed his route, and practiced riding with a heavy backpack and using a bike lock.  After three weeks of school, he is now a pro!
Jonathan's favorite color is green, so he made sure to wear a green shirt on the first day of school.  He is color blind, but it seems to be the only color that he knows.  That must be why it is his favorite.
Jessica was all ready for her first day.  She is taking child development and dance class this year, and is loving both classes.  I think history is her least favorite class.