Saturday, December 18, 2010

Here Comes Santa Claus

Christmas is coming... whether I'm ready for it or not.  I have a ton of shopping left to do.   My house is a mess.  My laundry is piled to the ceiling.  There have been church commitments every night.  Work has been exhausting every day.  The kids haven't assembled and decorated their gingerbread house yet.  My Christmas cards aren't getting mailed until Monday.  I thought they would go out today, but my address labels are  held hostage at work.  I didn't get a chance to print them before I left on Friday.  The worst part?  I had to delete my aunt's name and address out of the file.  I cried. 

I wish that we had an extra week before Christmas.  I wish that I was more organized this Christmas.  I wish that we had our Aunt Judy this Christmas.  However, regardless of what I wish,  I know that my family is blessed!  I know that I have a lot to be thankful for.  And, I know that Christmas is coming... whether I'm ready for it or not! 

The Fortenberry's wish you all a Merry Christmas!

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