Sunday, July 4, 2010

Baby Lainey

We finally got to meet Baby Lainey.  This is my brother's first child, and it seems like we have been waiting forever to have another baby in the family!  We traveled to San Antonio this weekend.  It was a whirlwind trip that only allowed us one day with Lainey (and her parents).

  Jessie really enjoyed holding her baby cousin.  I'm sure that she will have even more fun with her when she gets older.

And, then there was Jonathan.  He was absolutely head over heels in love with Lainey.   When she cried, he would lightly rub her back.  He especially liked to pet her head... like she was a little puppy.  He would coo, "Hi Lainey" over and over. 

Jonathan tried his hand at holding her.  He was sitting on the floor, and I don't think she found his scrawny arms very comfy.  We should have had him on the couch with a pillow, and he would have been more successful. We will remember that for next time.

Thank you , Jeff and Emma, for a delicious lunch and for sharing Lainey with us.

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