Wednesday, June 16, 2010

The Living Museum

The fourth grade had a living museum the last week of school.  They put hours and hours worth of work into their project.  Jonathan ended up being in a group with three other kids.  They depicted Mayan life.  They had to dress like Mayans.  Make a poster that represented their group, and they had to research, write and rehearse a script about the Mayans. 

All of the fourth graders did an awesome job.  Most of them were not in a group like Jonathan.

Janis Joplin

I loved these boys with their clip-on ties.  Their sign proclaimed them to be the George Bushes!

Mary Kay Ash definitely stole the show!

It was so fun to watch them, and try to guess what famous person they were. You could see how hard they worked, and how much they cared about one another.  If they had friends that were being skipped over, then they would make sure to send people over to them.  It was such a fun way to end the school year!

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