Monday, April 19, 2010

My Girls

There is a running joke at my office about all of the money that I spend on my dogs.  A co-worker is sure that my vet's office gets really excited when they see my number pop up on their caller ID.  We took the girls to the vet on Saturday morning.  $321 later, we learned that Mollie has seasonal allergies.  She came home with ear drops, and orders to take benadryl twice a day.  This is good news, because last year we thought she had a food allergy.  I've been feeding her organic dog food for a year!  We also learned that Gracie has arthritis. 

I came home with arthritis medicine and ear drops.  And, let's not forget the containers to gather fecal samples.  Mollie has a recheck in two weeks on her ears.  Then there is our Gracie, the vet's office left us a message today that her blood work came back with some sort of kidney issue.  We have to go back in 30 days to have another blood test.  And, did I mention that they get groomed on Wednesday (an estimated $90)?  It is a good thing that I love these crazy girls!  Actually, it's a good thing that Fred loves these girls! 

And, because I love these dogs so much, I got myself some UGLY dog walking shoes on Saturday.  Okay, I didn't get them because I love the girls.  I got them, because I thought that I could maximize my walks with the dogs.  We'll see if they work.  They certainly don't take the place of the gym, but I think they give your walks an extra little boost.

No pictures of the girls, because they are filthy!  I can't wait until Wednesday.  I love freshly groomed doggies!

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