Wednesday, November 19, 2008


I have finally created a blog.

I actually created one in July of 2007, and never sent out the link to anyone. I ended up deleting it because I didn't think that our family was "blogworthy." After much thought, I am finally trying again. (Side note: everything I do takes much thought. I'm not one to jump in quickly.) Also, after much thought (what did I tell you), I have decided to make our blog private. My kids are old enough that they would like some privacy.

My main goal is to use this as a means to share family stories and as a way to post pictures. I love to share pictures with my family, but always have trouble with the files being too large. Due to our busy/crazy schedules, I am hoping to post at least once a week. Wish me luck with that one!


Garcelona said...

Yea!! I can keep up with you and your family! Your kids look so much older - I can't believe it! You and your family look great.
We are freezing here in Michigan! We actually already have had snow! But it's kinda nice...
Say hi to everyone at Nouveau for me :)

Steve and Jamie said...

Thanks for including Steve and I. We look forward to your updates.

Sarah said...

Donna! Wahoo! After giving it almost no thought, I decided to start this comment with some interjections. I hope that you are comfortable with my impulsivity ...
Now whenever I hear political pundits talking about the latest buzz on the "blogosphere" I can think of you :). Miss you and looking forward to more great updates, carefully deliberated.

Mike'n'Amy said...

So much fun! I love blogging as a journal--only way I've been successful at journaling to date. :)

Unknown said...

Hi Donna,
What a great family picture! I cannot believe Jessica and Jonathan have grown so, while you and Fred haven't aged at all.
And when, exactly, did you find time to do a blog, Supermom?

P.S. Ozzie and Lucy turned three at the end of October. Can you believe it?

Auntie Jan said...

Great idea, Donna! I'll be checking in to see what's going on with your bunch. Hope to see you soon; give our love to all.

Marla said...

Hey there! Thanks for including me. It's amazing how fast your kids have grown. What a great picture of your family. Can't wait for your updates :)