Friday, November 21, 2008

Friday Feature: Sweet, Sweet Judy

Judy & Jessie on 8/31/96 - just 3 days after she came home from the hospital.

I have an aunt that has the most wonderful attitude. She is currently fighting cancer and doing it bravely. If faced with the same challenges, I wonder if I would react so courageously.

Many years ago, I had to give a talk in church about being thankful for all things daily. I referenced Judy because she spends every day being thankful for the things that the rest of us take for granted. You can just see it in her countenance. She is always smiling and she is so caring. Many people stopped me afterwards to tell me that her story had touched their lives. I received an email from a friend that simply stated, “Just want to say that I enjoyed your talk thoroughly! We have had several occasions to discuss your aunt and how thankful she is for the little things.”

The doctor says that the chemo has definitely had an effect on the cancer. She will be taking a break from chemo so that she can have surgery on Monday. After she has time to heal from the surgery, she will resume chemo again. It stinks that she has to have surgery the week of Thanksgiving.

Our family was so sad when we received the news that she had cancer. Judy has taught us all so much. As we approach Thanksgiving, I hope we can all remember to be thankful for all things daily.

We love you, Judy.

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