Monday, September 16, 2013

Team Fitts - A True Story

Sorry for the repeat picture - but I don't have any pictures of myself.
I joined the Biggest Loser contest at work.  I hadn't planned to, but one of my fellow co-workers, Scott Pitts, needed a partner and asked if I would help him out.  I couldn't say no, could I?  So, once I decided to join, I joined with gusto.  We are less than a week into it and we have a long way to go.  I hope we survive this journey.  There are 7 teams participating.
Initial weigh-in was Monday and the follow-up weigh-in was Thursday.  Then we will continue to weigh-in every Thursday through November.  Many of us downloaded an app called "Lose It."  I plugged in my height and starting weight.  Then it asked me for my goal weight.  I decided to put in a goal weight that would be fun to work toward.  Then it asked me how many pounds I wanted to lose each week.  Your choices were 1, 1 1/2 and 2 pounds.  I thought, "What the heck, let's choose 2 pounds."  No kidding, this app told me that I could only have 762 calories!  (Thankfully, I get to add calories in for working out.)
So, for 4 days I lived on lettuce, carrots and tomatoes.  I weighed in and had lost 3 pounds.  I had followed my old Weight Watcher tricks on weigh-in day.  Don't eat or drink before your weigh-in and make sure you weigh-in on an empty bladder and wear lightweight clothes.  Scott had a big loss, too.  Therefore, Team Fitts (get it... combine Fortenberry and Pitts to make Fitts) was the big winner for the week. 
Okay, here is where it gets crazy.  After my weigh-in, I got busy and didn't have breakfast  Then, I had a late lunch.  When I finally sat down to have my rabbit food for lunch I was starving.  My hands were shaking.  I had my light balsamic vinaigrette dressing in a tiny Rubbermaid container.  I couldn't get the lid off.  I was holding it in my lap trying to pry the lid off when it finally opened.  And, you guessed it, the dressing sloshed all over the front of my dress.  I ran to the bathroom and did a pretty good job of cleaning up my dress, but it had soaked through to my underwear. It felt like I had wet my pants.  I am not sure what was worse.  Wet underwear or smelling like a salad all day? 
How do these things happen to me?

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