Thursday, June 30, 2011

Lauren ~ Class of 2011

Memorial Day weekend we were honored to attend our niece's high school graduation.  Lauren graduated from Allen High School.  We are so proud of Lauren and all of her accomplishments.  She has grown into such a beautiful young lady. 
Just for the record, the Fortenberry's did wear their Sunday best at Lauren's graduation.  You just have to take our picture fast!  My kids and husband change in a hurry!  I even warned them that there would probably be a picture taking session, but they didn't listen. 

My Girls

I love these sweet and precious girls so much!  Last month, we had the best time celebrating our dear friend, Emma with a swim party.  We are so sad that she decided to move to McKinney.  We are losing another one next week.  She is moving to California.  This is the part about being a leader that I don't like so much.  It hurts my feelings to lose girls! 
"When you save a girl, you save generations." ~President Gordon B. Hinckley

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Child Labor

Jonathan has been working on fulfilling some requirements for Scouts.  One of the requirements was to set a goal to earn a certain amount of money.  He and Fred planned ways for him to earn money.  One of those ways was yard work.  Imagine my surprise, when I walked out to find Jonathan chopping away on my shrubs!  I was so afraid that he was going to cut a limb off.  And by limb, I'm referring to one of his arms or legs, not a tree limb!  I am happy to report that both Jonathan and the shrubs survived.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Jungle Book

Just before school was out, Jonathan's class put on their last music performance.  The kids were all excited about this year's performance of the Jungle Book.  Jonathan was a wolf.  I thought that it would be so easy to order a wolf costume, but no such luck.  They were all so scary and mean looking.  Not something that looked like it would have been in a Disney movie.  MaMaw was so sweet, and saved us.  She made Jonathan this awesome costume (that is his tail that he is holding in his hand.)  Jonathan refused to wear the headpiece.  He said that it would make him look like a 3 year old. 

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Hello Summer!

We celebrated the last day of school with shaved ice and swimming.  What more could two kids and a mom ask for?

Jess matched her treat to her outfit.  I think hers was Polar Bear something or another and Blue Raspberry.
Jonathan went with Tigers Blood.  Maybe he wanted to honor Charlie Sheen.  Not sure.  Sounds gross and looks gross.  I tried some and it was very tasty, thought.  It made made my gums look like they had been bleeding.  I think Jonathan just likes the name, because it has coconut in it, and he doesn't like coconut. 
I love these goggles on Jonathan.  He has had them since he was four.  If he ever loses them, the world will end!  I don't think he can swim without them.  I have bought him Speedo and Nike goggles, and he will not wear them.  I know these are good quality, because Jess used to wear this same brand for swim meets.  But, give me a break.
Stylin' and Profilin' in her brother's sunglasses.  I can't tell you how many pair of sunglasses I have bought this child.  After all, I do work for an eyewear company.  I bring home good quality sunglasses, and she never has them with her.  Sure enough, we were at the pool and she didn't have her sunglasses, so she had to borrow Jonathan's.  Although, I think she rocked his cheap sunglasses!

We are lovin' summer over at the Fortenberry house! 

Monday, June 20, 2011

Goodbye 5th Grade

On the last day of school, the 5th graders had a "graduation" of sorts.  Only, they call it a Celebration of Learning at Gunstream Elementary.  You see, Frisco I.S.D. believes that only Seniors graduate.  This is a great concept.  However, I believe that Kindergartners, 5th and 8th graders deserve a graduation, too.  Nope, not in Frisco.  Thankfully, we cheat a little with our Celebration of Learning for the 5th graders.  They call your name.  You walk across the stage.  You get a folder full of certificates.  But, for the record, it is NOT a graduation.
Jonathan's teachers Mrs. Demler and Mrs. Carroll (and little Jonathan on the screen)
Mrs. Carroll made her boys tuck in their shirts.  If I had known, I certainly would have made him wear a belt! 
Jonathan and I after the Celebration.

MaMaw and Grady attended Jonathan's Celebration of Learning with me.  Fred didn't attend.  He got confused, and didn't realize that it was such a big deal, so he didn't plan on taking off.  Jess, of course, had finals.  Jonathan was excited to have the three of us there.

We are so excited to have a big 6th grader headed off to Middle School!  Way to go, Jonathan!  We love you!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy Father's Day

Fred and Jonathan just got back from Scout camp yesterday.  Just in time to celebrate Father's Day.  We quietly celebrated with Fred's breakfast of choice... eggs, bacon and biscuits.  After lunch, we had a yummy ice cream cake from Dairy Queen.  Then, to end the night, Fred enjoyed his favorite dinner of steak, baked potatoes, salad and garlic bread.  I'm pretty sure that I gained 5 pounds today!

These boys were super tired today!
The Super Dad ice cream cake was a huge hit!
Excuse the crooked photography!  For some reason, Fred didn't find the same humor in the toilet card that we did!

We hope that all the dad's had a wonderful day!  You all deserve it.