Monday, December 15, 2008

Not so Victorious!

On May 3, 2007, I waged a full-on attack against my weight. By August 30th, I had lost 25 pounds. I was under the goal weight that I had set for myself. I felt great about myself and I felt great that I had battled the bulge and won! Victory was mine.

A year and a half later, I now find that my victory is slipping away. It is no longer mine. I picked up a copy of Oprah’s magazine this weekend. There was an article with weight management tips. I was pumped and ready to be inspired with all of the great ideas! It was set up to show changes that you can make in your eating habits. You are supposed to make one change every two weeks. They listed things like cut out sodas, switch to 1% or skim milk and switch to whole grain breads and pastas (the rest of the list escapes me right now). Everything on their list, I was already doing. I’ve been doing these things since May 3, 2007.

How can my hips be widening, if I’m doing all of these things? I eat lots of salads. How could this be? Let me tell you… breads, chocolate and no exercising. Yes, my three meals are fairly healthy. It is the bread that accompanies my meals. I love bread (thanks, Dad. I blame you for that). I also LOVE sweets. I could eat chocolate all day long. This summer I put my kids on an all natural diet. This means that I stopped buying all of those snacks that are sweetened with artificial sweeteners or high-fructose corn syrup. Pure chocolate is the order of business in our house! Lastly, I stopped exercising.

I’ve dusted off the Weight Watcher books and I’m preparing to start the battle again. Wish me luck!

1 comment:

Eric and Amy said...

I think this is a life-long journey we all struggle with. Good luck and hang in there. You can do it! Congrats on the diet change for your family. It's certainly a huge step a lot of people "can't" do! :)