Tuesday, November 19, 2013

November 16, 2013

We went outside after our sealing and took pictures.  There are certain things you can always count on when we take outdoor photos: 1) my clothes will be ill-fitting, 2) the wind will blowing my hair and clothes around and 3) while the wind is hitting me personally, the rest of my family will look perfect and untouched by the weather.

We asked the Palmer's to take our pictures for us.  When we were doing the shots of all three of us, I think Jonathan and I both were looking over at Kelly (who was not the one taking the pictures).  Tony told us to stop looking at Sister Palmer and to look over at him.  I don't know what made me say it, because my son is so literal and I should have known he would give me an honest answer.  But, I said something like "She is much prettier to look at it than Brother Palmer."  My honest Asperger boy's reply was "No, she was talking - that is why I was looking at her."  I know he didn't mean that Kelly wasn't pretty.  He just meant the reason he was looking at her was because she was talking.  Sometimes I smile to think about how his mind works and sometimes I want to scream.  It just depends on the day.

We were fortunate to have very sweet friends that went to dinner with us after our sealing.  They were very patient, because it seems like it took forever for us to do everything that we needed to finish up at the temple and then get Jonathan dropped off at home.

I had one small crisis on Sunday morning.  I was excited to download my pictures from the memory card.  I have no idea why, but I always use a card reader instead of the cord for my camera.  When I took the card out of my camera a piece of the card chipped off.  I couldn't get the card reader or my camera to read the card.  I was a nervous wreck and praying like crazy.  Finally, I taped the card back together with scotch tape and carefully placed it in the card reader.  You can't imagine how relieved I was when the computer pulled up all my pictures.  I pulled everything off my memory card and whispered a prayer of thanks!

These are probably the worse pictures anyone has ever had made at the temple, but I am so thankful that I have them!

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Time and Eternity

Yesterday was a special day for us.  Fred and I were sealed as husband and wife for all time and eternity in the Dallas, Texas Temple.  Our son, Jonathan was sealed to us.  We hope that one day our Jessica will choose to be sealed to us, as well. 

A sealing is performed in the temple where a husband and wife, along with any children they might have are joined together as a family for eternity. 

I am so thankful to those that were there with us yesterday. This was a long time coming and I'm pretty sure there were times that I thought we would never be standing in the temple together.  I am grateful to my sweet husband for finding his way back to church and doing the things he needed to do so that he could take Jonathan and I to the temple.

 Jonathan said it best, "The waiting part sure was boring, but good things happened there today."  (It should be noted that because of the sacred nature of the temple, Jonathan had to spend most of his time waiting in the children's room.)

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Fortenberry Four Halloween

The Fortenberry's love Halloween.  I'm pretty sure that it is Jessie's favorite holiday.

We enjoyed our annual celebration in Allen at the Garstka's.  The men (and Jonathan) handed out candy and the women took the kids around the neighborhood.

We don't know what Jonathan's was supposed to be.  He and Fred threw his costume together about 5 minutes before we left the house.  Jonathan loved it and that is all that counts.

And, here is Jessie's much anticipated costume.  She and MaMaw worked very hard on it.  She was the TARDIS from Doctor Who.  Doctor Who is her current obsession right now.

Last, but not least, Jess made this awesome craft at church.  Our girls made Halloween blocks and Jess did a great job on hers.  I can't wait to display it next year - unless she keeps it for herself!

We had a wonderful Halloween with great friends and hope you did, too!