Monday, May 23, 2011

No One Told Me

When I signed on to be a mother, no one told me that I would be blessed with two kids that would have special challenges.  No one told me that I would have to educate myself on medical issues, learning disabilities and education laws.  No one told me that I would have to be my kids' advocate, because educators and doctors wouldn't necessarily have or know all the answers.  No one told me that I would have to do the research, and present my recommendations and findings to them.  No one told me that I would constantly find myself disappointed and frustrated with the system.  No one told me me that prayer would be my constant companion.  And, no one told me that I could be this strong. 

Saturday, May 7, 2011

I Love To See The Temple

Jessie and I took part in some arts and crafty type activities at church last week.  We made these cute little temple blocks.  Jess chose the temple in Hawaii.  I chose the Dallas temple, because that is the temple that I received my endowments in.  Anyway, Jessica's is the one on the left, and is way cuter than mine. Even though mine isn't super cute like Jessie's, I'm happy with my little temple block. 

I love that Jessie's says... I'm going there someday.   My prayer for her is that she never loses sight of the temple.  Not only do I want her to be able to go to the temple someday, but I want her family to be sealed in the temple.   

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Princess Pinkie

I love serving in Young Women's.  One of my favorite parts of serving is getting out and supporting the girls in their choir concerts and plays.  Our newest Beehive, Jaiden, is currently performing in a local children's play called Pale Pink Dragon.  She is playing the lead character, Princess Pinkie.  Jessie, Sydney and I went to watch and support her.  She is so talented and blew everyone away with her performance.  We are so proud of you, Jaiden!  Thank you for sharing your talent with us.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Where The Wild Ones Are

A couple of weeks ago, Jess had a project that she was working on for Biology.  She needed to take two pictures.  One from the plant kingdom and one from the animal kingdom.  We were planning on going to the Owen Farm in Richardson.  However, Jonathan didn't think that sounded like very much fun.  And, quite frankly, neither did I.  Fred was fishing that weekend, so I had the kids by myself.  We decided to take a little adventure to the Dallas Zoo.

We had a  great day.  The weather was perfect, and we all loved seeing the animals. 
Jonathan and I posing in front of the elephant statues
My little multi-tasker can walk, view the zoo and text at the same time!  She wanted to fit in... she carried a zebra striped purse.  We were going through the tunnel to get to the newer part of the zoo.
Jonathan trying to pose with the gorilla.  However, the gorilla was on the move!  Guess he was camera shy.
Jonathan loves to spend money!  He decided that he needed some change, so that he could bird watch.  I just really wanted out of the aviary.  I was scared that I was going to get pooped on.
Hanging out in the aviary. 
Jonathan thought that the elephant bones were really cool.  Jess thought they were lame and opted out of getting her picture taken with them.
Ready for a ride on the monorail.
Nothing makes your nose and teeth look bigger than having someone super close to you take a picture.
Jonathan loved the monorail ride.  I think he found it really informative and fun.
Getting his courage up to feed the giraffe.
It was so hard to get good pictures of the kids feeding the giraffes.  It was a crowded area, and not set up for picture taking.  I was really disappointed!
Doesn't everyone stop and take their shoes off at the zoo?  I was really confused by this.  I kept telling Jonathan that his wet feet would make his socks and shoes wet.  He assured me that this would not be a problem.  He was just happy to swish his feet around in the water.
Taking a break in the Children's Zoo.
Jessica and Jonathan - just as we were getting ready to hit the gift shop and then leave for the day.
Mom and Jess

My didn't want to bore you with all of our animal pictures.  However, I am posting my three favorite pictures.
Beautiful Gorilla
This giraffe looks like it stopped to pose for the camera
The Lion King.

I had a wonderful time at the zoo with my precious pumpkins.  Jess ended up turning in a picture of a Rhinoceros (her favorite animal).  I thought it was gross, because it peed while it walked.  I was concerned that we were going to get sprayed just standing there watching it.  She also turned in a picture of the Lantana plant that was taken while we were on the monorail.

We only had one snag.  We got lost on the gorilla walk, and Jonathan wanted to be the one to try to lead us out.  Jess didn't trust him, so we had a minor standoff.  It finally ended peacefully. 

Souvenirs were purchased for at a premium cost in the gift shop.  Jess bought a cute little stuffed baby rhino, and Jonathan picked out a lemur.  I think we are going to plan more field trips on Fred's fishing weekends. However, we might forgo the trips to the gift shops.  Jonathan can really break a person at a gift shop.  I swear it took him 30 minutes to pick something in the price range that I set!

I love my kids, and I love these special moments with them.