Saturday, August 29, 2009

Morning Sunshine

It is 8:57 a.m. Like most teenagers, Jessie is still in bed sleeping. She continues to sleep despite the fact that I let the dogs in her room and gave them the "Wake up Jessie" command. I have to give them credit. They tried really hard, though.

Fred is out fishing this morning. His alarm went off at 5:15 a.m. He managed to make enough noise to wake both Jonathan and myself up at 6:00. I begged Jonathan to give me another 30 minutes of peace.

I finally gave up and decided to make the most of a bad situation. I whipped us up a cup of morning sunshine. Pure bliss. Orange Banana Cream Smoothie. Jonathan and I sat at the table enjoying our toast and smoothie. He declared that it was the best smoothie he had ever had. Then he added, "besides a chocolate smoothie, of course." I would tend to agree with that assessment. Except that a chocolate smoothie would really be classified as a chocolate shake.

I enjoyed an entire HOUR of the Today Show. I think Jonathan was a little annoyed that I was watching the news, but he humored me and watched along. We kept hearing about the beautiful weather today, so we decided to take advantage.

At 8:00 a.m., we headed out on a bike ride. My bike had a low tire, so I quickly switched to Jessie's bike. Bad idea. She is 5' tall and I am 5'5". Not only that, but her bike probably hasn't been adjusted since last fall when she was much shorter. As a result, we started riding and I realized that my knees must have been up around my ears. The gears were not at a comfortable setting for me, but I didn't want to mess with them. I think that would be pretty rude to borrow someone's bike and then change everything for my comfort. Anyway, I found some muscles in my thighs that I didn't know existed. It was a beautiful morning though. Perfect for a bike ride. Jonathan and I had a great ride.

We made a stop at the park for some water. Jonathan thought it was pretty funny that the water fountain was spraying the water up towards his mouth. He didn't even have to bend over for the water.
Handsome man!

I think this day is off to a great start! Happy Saturday.

1 comment:

MaMaw said...

Mr. Cool!!!!